As for the variants that actually exist, they are trivial. Sceptics too can distort the evidence, though perhaps not quite as much. The oldest surviving manuscript that we have is called P 52 named this because it was the fifty-second papyrus manuscript to be discovered and catalogued in modern times. While all four canonical gospels contain some sayings and events which may meet one or more of the five criteria for historical reliability used in biblical studies, [Notes 1] the assessment and evaluation of these elements is a matter of ongoing debate. Likewise, even with the many differences in the New Testament variants, 100 percent of the message comes through.14. He was governor of Syria, who took a census from Caesar Augustus, which is mentioned in Luke 2:2. The greatest numbers of variant readings found in the New Testament manuscripts are unintentional variants. The earliest New Testament manuscript fragment we possess today is the John Rylands Fragment (also called P52) contains a small portion of John 18. The time span for most . Consequently, translators never have to rely on blind guesses when determining what the text originally said. We have complete copies of the New Testament in the 4th Century. These comprise a significant, although a much less numerous, group of errors than the unintentional changes. Search One way of checking the accuracy of manuscripts is to compare them with early translations of the New Testament, or with quotations from the New Testament in the writings of early authors. As noted in When Skeptics Ask by Norman Geisler and Ronald Brooks, many inscriptions, coins, manuscripts, and locations from the Gospel accounts have been discovered. The time span for most of the New Testament is less than 200 years (and some books are within 100 years) from the date of authorship to the date of our earliest manuscripts. Numbers include: For the Old Testament, manuscripts existed from the Dead Sea Scrolls (before the New Testament period) revealing the accuracy of the Hebrew and Aramaic text as it would have been known to people in the time of Jesus. This seems to be an undocumented claim from the 19th century that apologists have quoted without properly checking their sources. Scholars diligently work like forensic scientists analyzing a crime scene, carefully examining the evidence left behind so they can reconstruct what originally happened. When a manuscript(s) differs in wording from the base text, the result is known as a variant reading. Because of the innumerable times the New Testament has been copied over the last 2,000 years, these variants have crept into the text. The Institute for New Testament Textual Research, The Bibliographical Test Updated (2014), The Number of Textual Variants: An Evangelical Miscalculation. However, they are still important witnesses to the texts reliability and transmission. Quirinius Inscription: It was found in Antioch of Prisidia. This is a powerful illustration of why we can acknowledge that our manuscript copies contain variants and yet, at the same time, we can state with confidence that the Bible is inerrant. 8. In most cases, only 5 to 20 manuscripts support these ancient non-Christian works. 16. Answer: The information about Jesus in the New Testament is accurate because there are approximately 5,800 handwritten Greek manuscripts of the the New Testament that exist today (Greek was the original language of the New Testament). Other notable Bible scholars, such as Ezra Abbot, figured the copies of the New Testament manuscripts are 99.75 percent accurate.16, Westcott and Hort calculated the New Testaments accuracy at 98.33 percent by asserting that only one-sixteenth of variants rise above the level of trivialities.17 Greek scholar A.T. Robertson places the transmission rate at 99.9 percent accurate, believing only a thousandth part of the New Testament text was of any real concern.18 Even New Testament critic Ehrman, writes, in his Misquoting Jesus, Most of the changes found in our early Christian manuscripts have nothing to do with theology or ideology.19. On the other hand a more recent manuscript could be more accurate if it was copied from a much earlier and more reliable manuscript. We are grateful to the friends, supporters, and advocates who have shared and supported the mission. Many say it's not reliable as a historical document despite having over 5,600 Greek copies in possession today, which is more than we have of the work of Homer, Plato, Lucretius, and Aristotle. So the New Testament text can be reconstructed with over 99 percent accuracy. 20 Bart Ehrman, Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why (New York, NY: Harper San Francisco, 2005), 55. B.B. 16 Bruce Metzger, Chapters in the History of New Testament Textual Criticism (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1963), 146. Because of this, any impartial person cannot help but be impressed with their abundant testimony. But now that has all changed, as I was given Myths and Mistakes in New Testament Textual Criticism (2019) edited by Elijah Hixson and Peter Gurry as a Christmas present. Interestingly, the more than 2,400 copies of lectionaries that still exist reveal greater care in their transmission than other biblical manuscripts. The entire New Testament text is accounted for in manuscript form within 300 years of the original writing (cf. However, this is an inconsequential criticism for several reasons. The interesting truth seems to be that while there are uncertainties and variations, the text of the New Testament is as reliable as the text of other ancient documents, and variations can be identified and assessed more readily because of the large number of documents available. New Testament Manuscripts Critics always look for new ways to attack the New Testament and its reliability. However, taking a different perspective, we find that, on average, scribes made one mistake or change in every 400-500 words they copied, which doesnt sound nearly so bad. 5 John Warwick Montgomery, History and Christianity (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1971), 29. Since then many new manuscripts were found and Bible hermeneutics evolved a lot, so newer translations avoid some mistakes caused by KJV's sources. In those seven letters, Ignatius quoted from 18 different books of the New Testament. A large finding of Old Testament manuscripts in Cairo (called the Cairo Geniza) also support the amazingly high degree of accuracy of the Old Testament writings. Since there was no printing in those days, copies were made by hand, and copies of copies, and so on. It is just a tiny scrap found in a trash heap in Egypt. Among all the known copies of parts of the New Testament there are many variant readings, due mainly to wrong spelling, accidentally missing a word, writing the wrong word, or changing the word order. The earliest textual evidence we have was copied not long after the original. There are over 13,000 copies of New Testament manuscripts compared to only 10 copies of Caesar's Gallic Wars, and about 8 copies of the history of Herodotus. Brooke Foss Westcott, Fenton John Anthony Hort, and W.J. Powered by WordPress. So the New Testament text can be reconstructed with over 99 percent accuracy. Most scholars date the fragment anywhere from AD 117135, which, at its earliest, is only about 30 years removed from the original writing of the Gospel of John. The New Testament that we have today is basically the same text that was initially authored by the apostles of Jesus Christ. 11. Is what we read the same as the authors originally wrote? Also, a manuscript might consist of only a few surviving letters or of hundreds of complete . 13 Phillip Schaff, A Companion to the Greek Testament and the English Version, (New York, NY: Publisher Not Known, 1877), 177. This undisputed bulk of the text reflects a common pre-existing archetype (the autograph), which has universal critical acceptance. For example, seven letters have survived that were written by Ignatius (AD 70110), and nearly every book of the Bible (except 2 John and Jude) was quoted by AD 110 by only three individualsIgnatius, Clement of Rome, and Polycarp. Some have challenged the accuracy of the New Testament (NT) manuscripts based on a statement in our book, Philip Schaff estimated that of the thousands of variations in all the manuscripts known in his day, only 50 were of real significance and of these not one affected an article of faith. Even agnostic NT critic Bart Ehrman admits that . Thus, the intentional variations, for the most part, were the work of scribes attempting to make the text more readable, not change the meaning. The accuracy of the manuscript copies. They all tell the same story! B.F. Westcott and F.J.A. Finding Manuscripts in Logos 3. These writers include Josephus, Tacitus, Lucian, Thallus, Suetonius, Pliny the Younger, the Jewish Talmud, and others. Because there were no copy machines available in ancient times, the tedious transmission process had to be accomplished by the scribes own hand. Don Stewart, MA is an internationally recognized Christian apologist and speaker. We can appreciate the robust number of New Testament manuscripts by comparing it with the number of manuscripts available for other works from the ancient world. Because of the number of early copies of the texts, we can reconstruct the text to around 99.8% accuracy. Here is some of what I have learnt. Based on the various kinds of evidence, it is clear that great care was taken to accurately copy the Greek manuscripts. Whats the difference between Gods law and Moses law? In such a case, there would be no way of knowing whether the scribe was incompetent, for the text could not be checked against another copy. Sceptics will tell you there have been so many changes in transmission we cant have any confidence in the text. They derive for the most part from attempts by scribes to improve the text in various ways. Nevertheless, a few books (Revelation, 2 & 3 John, Jude, 2 Peter) were often disputed. Simon was the one that helped Jesus by carrying the cross to Golgotha (Luke 23:26). The lines are different in form but not in content. That is, about 19 percent of the letters are the same. The church followed the custom of the Jewish synagogue, which had a fixed portion of the law and the prophets read each Sabbath. The New Testament was written in first century A.D. Hence, copies we recalled manual-scripts or manuscripts. This is the important difference between updating the text (editing) and altering its meaning (redaction). The total supporting New Testament manuscript base is over 24,000. The Bible (Old Testament and New Testament) outstrips every other ancient manuscript in sheer numbers and in the dates of composition from the time of its original writing. That is an amazing accuracy. The well-known New Testament scholar Bruce Metzger estimated that the Mahabharata of Hinduism is copied with only about 90 percent accuracy and Homer's Iliad with about 95 percent. Hence, copies were called manual-scripts or manuscripts. 17 Westcott and Hort calculated the New Testament's accuracy at 98.33 percent by asserting that only one-sixteenth of variants rise above the level of trivialities. Similarly, by evaluating and comparing the textual evidence (known as textual criticism), scholars can then work backward to establish what was originally written. 4 Josh McDowell and Clay Jones, The Bibliographical Test Updated (2014) in Christian Research Journal. The earliest manuscripts do not contain the entire New Testament. The key is to examine the full text copied by a particular scribe, and see how many times words were changed to move towards an accepted doctrine, and how many times opportunities for that type of alteration were not taken. The John Rylands Fragment (P52) of the Gospel of John is dated at AD 117-138, only a few decades after the Gospel was written. Hickie, The New Testament in the Original Greek (New York: Macmillan, 1951), 2.2. Although the exact percentage of how much of the New Testament could be reconstructed from patristic quotations has not been exhaustively calculated and verified yet, estimates above a 95% reconstruction rate in no way seem unreasonable or overly optimistic. We . John Warwick Montgomery, History and Christianity (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1971), 29. The scribes were mostly competent transcribers, with the result that the NT manuscripts show the same levels of care, experience and accuracy that one could reasonably expect of any ancient text. Furthermore, the variant readings, whether intentional or unintentional, exist in only a very limited portion of the New Testament. 14 Kurt Aland and Barbara Aland, The Text of the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. In 1982, German scholar Carsten Thiede supported OCallahans earlier findings in The Earliest Gospel Manuscript? In such a case, there would be no way of knowing whether the scribe was incompetent, for the text could not be checked against another copy. Fortunately, this time span for the New Testament manuscripts is relatively short, with the earliest manuscript copies currently ranging from 30-300 years from the original texts. But the experts say that this is overstated. (Hindi). Articles, 2022 Defending Inerrancy | Who We Are | Contact, Historical Timeline of the Debate about the Reliability and Inerrancy of the Bible. New Testament Manuscripts Accuracy The New Testament is indeed historically accurate, that is the hallmark of authenticity. Philip Schaff estimated that of the thousands of variations in all the manuscripts known in his day, only 50 were of real significance and of these not one affected an article of faith. Even agnostic NT critic Bart Ehrman admits that In fact, most of the changes found in early Christian manuscripts have nothing to do with theology or ideology. Codex Sinaiticus and Codex Vaticanus probably date to the mid-4th Century. 9 David Alan Black and David S. Dockery, eds., New Testament Criticism and Interpretation (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing, 1991), 103. The late Princetonian scholar and renowned authority on New Testament textual criticism Bruce Metzger expands upon the intentional variations. He is mentioned in Acts 13:6-12. How to Answer Critics That is to say, with regard to the time when the New Testament was originally written until the time the printing press was invented, some have demanded that the scribes copy the text 100 percent accurately, or it cannot be considered inspired or inerrant. Though it is important to recognize that OCallahan and Thiedes conclusions about 7Q5 are debated even among conservative scholars, the implications of their discovery open the door for establishing pre-AD 70 manuscript evidence supporting the early dating and accurate transmission of the synoptic gospels. Orthodox and heretics alike leveled this charge against their opponents, though the surviving evidence suggests the charge was more frequent than the reality.9 The amount of intentional variation to the text was minimal. What is more, in 1972 the late professor Jose OCallahan of the University of Barcelona, in his article New Testament Papyri in Cave 7 at Qumran?, claims to have identified a small Greek papyri fragment (7Q5) among the Dead Sea Scrolls that could date prior to AD 70. He is mentioned in Romans 16:23. Two of the greatest textual scholars who ever lived, Brooke Foss Westcott and Fenton John Anthony Hort, had this to say concerning the amount of variation in the New Testament manuscripts: If comparative trivialities, such as changes of order, the insertion or omission of an article with proper names, and the like, are set aside, the words in our opinion still subject to doubt can hardly amount to more than a thousandth part of the whole New Testament.10. Every time he cited Scripture we can observe the Greek text he was using. Solutions to Bible Errors Bruce Metzger, A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament, d ed. Extra-Biblical Accounts that Verify the New Testament. For example, seven letters have survived that were written by Ignatius (AD 70110), and nearly every book of the Bible (except 2 John and Jude) was quoted by AD 110 by only three church fathersIgnatius, Clement of Rome, and Polycarp. Gallios Inscription: His inscription was found in Greece. Phillip Schaff, A Companion to the Greek Testament and the English Version (New York: Macmillan, 1877), 177. His disciples were willing to die for their belief. Sometimes a copyist would add what seemed to him to be a more appropriate word or form, perhaps derived from a parallel passage.8. YALL HAVE WON $10,000,000 [Notice the Southern bias here], Observe that of the 28 letters in line two, only five of them [in bold] are the same in line three. In particular, it considers the accuracy and transparency of the current transcription process for this edition, suggesting that proofreading is an important stage even if a double-blind approach . For images of the discoveries, check: 15. A NEWLY released edition of the New Testament in Greek is believed to be the most accurate ever published, after ten years of work by biblical scholars to correct errors made by scribes thousands of years ago. The Length of Time Between the Original Autographs and Earliest Copies of the New Testament It contains most of the New Testament. 6 Daniel B. Wallace, The Number of Textual Variants: An Evangelical Miscalculation accessed on July 27, 2017. The New Testament manuscripts provide significantly more early copies than any other ancient work. Faulty Premise #2: . Alternatively, if any ancient work were to come down to us in only one copy, there would be nothing with which to compare that copy. However, there are several reasons Christians believe the New Testament manuscripts were copied accurately (despite minor scribal mistakes) and why it can still be considered the inspired and inerrant Word of God. Bible scholars have claimed that they have used early Greek manuscripts to create a more accurate version of the New Testament. Rylands Papyrus P52: This is oldest manuscript of the New Testament, and is dated to 125 AD. Again, the facts speak otherwise, as Michael Holmes explains: Occasionally the text was altered for doctrinal reasons. Furthermore, the variant readings, whether intentional or unintentional, exist in only a very limited portion of the New Testament. The earliest published New Testament manuscript fragment we possess today, the John Rylands Fragment (also called P52), contains a small portion of John 18. What is more, church historian Phillip Schaff estimated that of the 400 variants that have affected the sense of the passages in the New Testament, only 50 of these are important.12 Facts like this led textual scholars Kurt and Barbara Aland to make the following observation concerning the text of the New Testament: On the whole, it must be admitted thatNew Testament specialists not to mention laypersons, tend to be fascinated by differences and to forget how many of them are due to chance or normal scribal tendencies, and how rarely significant variants occur yielding to the common danger of failing to see the forest for the trees.13. Werent gentiles freed from keeping the 7th day Sabbath in Acts 15? Apologists say no, and this book agrees regarding major doctrines, but says some non-core teachings are affected. From the very beginning, Christian missionaries, in their attempts to spread the gospel, translated the New Testament into the various languages of the people they encountered. He wrote a wonderful article but one . Real Questions. Sceptics have likened copying to a game of Chinese Whispers, where it is easy for words to be mis-heard and passed on inaccurately, justifying this by arguing that the scribes who copied the NT were amateurs, not experienced professionals. 10 B.F. Westcott and F.J.A. The text was carefully copied, and discerning Christians, who were dispersed throughout the entire Roman Empire, would have made it difficult for malicious changes to be introduced. Technically speaking, any deviation from the base accepted text is an error, but the kinds of errors represented in the New Testament text are not errors of historical, geographical, spiritual, or scientific fact. The time between the original composition and our earliest copies is an unbelievably short 60 years or so. This means that our New Testament is 99.5% textually pure. Archaeology provides even additional information regarding the authenticity of New Testament. The Greek uncial manuscripts of the New Testament are different from other ancient New Testament texts for the following reasons: The New Testament papyri were written on papyrus and are generally earlier (1 st - 4 th centuries C.E.) Without any doubt, the quantity of New Testament manuscripts, the dates from the original manuscripts to the earliest copies available, and quality of the copies of the New Testament manuscripts all serve as undeniable and powerful witnesses to the accurate preservation of Gods inspired and inerrant Word. There are basically one of either two categories of New Testament manuscripts which all bibles are based upon.
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