It could raise arousal to help to keep you awake if you are sleepy or reduce arousal if you are agitated because you are bored. Do you: strongly agree agree Explain the difference between the open and closed questions. Controlling variables and standardising procedures Standardisation Controls make sure that the levels of the IV represent what they are supposed to, i.e. These measures increased the reliability of the study. 56 RESEARCH METHODS The participants were misinformed about the aims and procedures of the study, ie they were deceived. This matters because some patients could find a white lab coat intimidating so it would have a detrimental effect. Canli T., Zhao Z., Desmond J.E., Glover G., Gabrieli J.D.E. To avoid demand characteristics, the children would ideally be unaware that they are in an experiment, perhaps by telling them that they are in a computer games competition. asked to design. Nicholas and Dorothy Cummings Center for the History of Psychology, The university of Akron; p. 147 (T): DEA/B. Hopeless romantic, introverted, shy guy. Similar to the first experiment, the results from the MBQ suggested that those participants who were told that they loved asparagus had a greater chance of generating a false memory or belief to substantiate this false memory. When to experiment on animals. Table 6.7 summarises the three sets of beliefs associated with these disorders. By stopping our minds from straying we should be better able to focus on the primary task. The Hawthorne studies can be described as a field experiment as the experimenters manipulated the variables that they were interested in but did this in a real working environment as opposed to a laboratory environment. 1330 Hz for beta waves. Participants finally completed the RQ, FPQ, and the FHI for a second time, and the same MBQ as in Experiment One (Figure 3.14). (Eyes test) Baron-Cohen, S., Wheelwright, J., Hill, J., Raste, Y., & Plumb, I. Formulate your objective(s) Faced with this problem or opportunity, what is the companys goal? 290 PPQ see Paediatric Pain Questionnaire practice effect 4 pre-cognitive decisions 1834 presumptive consent 34 primacy-recency 1745 privacy 9, 35 Prochaska, J.O. Grossman, R., and Wisenblit, J. This matters because participants who were tested on a condition second would perform better than those who did it first. The self-report measure lists possible situations and asks the individual to evaluate different reactions that might occur to them in each. It is very difficult, however, to determine the content of their dreams. This suggests that A Level students believe they are working harder than AS students do. This refers to the internal element of our self-esteem needs and allows us to meet needs related to the self-esteem and self-actualisation needs in Maslows theory. This is not quite an external reward like money this is reward that makes you feel good about yourself. Research into schedules of reinforcement suggests that the type of partial reinforcement used in fruit machines, for example, changes peoples behaviour very quickly, is fairly addictive. Phil teaches at a primary school in Ely now and the other two commute to Peterborough each day. In a repeated measures design counterbalancing helps to overcome order effects (fatigue and practice effects) and in an independent measures design random allocation helps to overcome the effects of individual differences. It uses macroelectrodes, which are large electrodes stuck to the skin or scalp (note they are recording electrodes they cannot give the participant an electric shock!). Results In the doodling condition, the mean number of shaded shapes on the printed sheet was 36.3, with a range of 3110 and no participants in the control condition doodled spontaneously. I love my new system. Mean: the measure of central tendency calculated by adding up all the scores and dividing by the number of scores in the data set. This directly opposes the prediction of diffusion of responsibility. In other words there are certain factors which cause satisfaction and there are other factors which cause dissatisfaction. SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS 5 The research by Yamamoto et al. Finally, on the FCQ, believers were willing to pay significantly more for asparagus than those in the control group with over a quarter (14) of those in the control group stating that they would never buy asparagus. In 1972, 3000 stamps would buy a spice rack, 7600 would buy a comforter for a full-size bed and 20 400 stamps would buy a gas-fired barbecue. Job involvement can be high or low, and organisational commitment can also be high or low. Frith describes schizophrenia as an abnormality of selfmonitoring. sexually dimorphic: any differences between males and females of any species which are not just differences in organs or genitalia. The male confederates took the roles of the victim and the model. It is suggested that this kind of slow rotation can allow circadian rhythms to adapt to one shift without being forced to change too rapidly and cause health problems. Group 4: IQ Matched group The group comprised 14 IQ matched participants with those in the AS/HFA group with a mean age of 28 years and mean IQ score of 116. Add. RESEARCH METHODS The K-SAS is a recognised assessment tool for measuring the severity of symptoms of kleptomania. The sample consisted of 99 females and 29 males who had a mean age of 20.8 years old. Identify what you think would be the most appropriate way to lead each of your chosen organisations. Participants in the doodling group correctly recalled a mean of 7.8 (SD 0.4) party-goers names and one person made one false alarm, see Table 3.1. Either of these would indicate the amount of work being done. Leaders need to make expectations clear and team members need to make their skills and abilities evident to the leader so that he or she can determine how each person may contribute to the team. This species is intelligent and prone to self-injurious behaviour in captivity as a result of boredom; a major challenge for those conducting research with them. The expression of feelings in animals have been explored in more ethical ways, for example by seeing the choices that hens make when presented with situations they do and do not like (Bubier, 1996, quoted in Stamp-Dawkins, 1998). Identifying items as the same or different requires a particular set of cognitive abilities. A colleague recommends he works out the median instead, so he finds the two middle scores in the group (5 and 6), adds them together and divides by 2. If their dosage is too high, it also creates symptoms in these individuals identical to those in people with schizophrenia, such as hallucinations (Lindstrm et al., 1999). 6 In Scoullers Three levels of leadership model which level did he suggest was the most important and why? It is used when gaining informed consent from the participants themselves would lead to their working out the aim of the study. A strictly behaviourist approach to classical conditioning would suggest that there is little role for thinking and feeling in this learning process. It is difficult to construct a culturally fair (unbiased) test and tests may reveal more about the assumptions of the test-maker than anything else. (2010). For example, your job should provide at least for all your existence needs but you will be more motivated if your job also provides for some of your relatedness and growth needs as well. However, the case study we will look at now involves a deeper exploration of the role of cognition and emotion in changing phobic behaviour, known as evaluative learning. Types and examples Agoraphobia is commonly known as the fear of public places. Participants were woken either from REM or nREM sleep but were not told which. He has three dogs and two cats which he plans to use as his sample. Some important symptoms of bipolar disorder are detailed in Table 6.5. This means that the results may not reflect the scores that people of different ages or educational opportunities might produce. Reflections: Milgram collected both quantitative and qualitative data in this study. This helped to raise validity, as Dement and Kleitman could be more sure that the details being recorded were of dreams. They found that participants woken from REM sleep were more likely to report a vivid, visual dream than when woken in other stages. An example item is given here (Beck, 1979, page 398), with the corresponding score listed in brackets: The BDI is an important diagnostic tool which has application to everyday life. However, the evidence is not clear in all cases of phobias that they develop from traumatic events that have created negative associations. The measurement of organizational commitment. Cognitive therapy of depression. Explain how he could operationalise the variables of sleeping and eating. How v , t is is Sys m 2 t i ki g a we us t is r ly. 132, 133 Selye, H. 24950 semi-structured interview 1213, 153 Sensky, T. 129 serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) 259 severity 120 sex-typed behaviour 89 sexually dimorphic 132 Shapiro, D. 247 Sherman, J. In order to ensure the validity of diagnosis, case summaries of each participant were independently evaluated by judges external to the research. Debrief: explaining the aims and possible consequences of the study at the end and ensuring that the participants leave feeling at least as happy as at the start. Number of Pieces. I love my new system. What are the advantages and disadvantages that weigh the seesaw in each direction? However this was not a statistically significant difference. Wiles, N., Thomas, L., Abel, A., Ridgway, N., Turner, N., Campbell, J. and Lewis, G. (2013). In contrast, by around 30 months, humans have developed capacity for spontaneous helping. 154 Lehmkuhl, H.D. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 42(2), 241251. It involves rewarding people for desirable behaviour such as remaining in the presence of a phobic object. There was one instance of horizontal movement, in which the dreamer was watching two people throwing tomatoes at each other. The tape is rather dull but thats okay because I dont want you to remember any of it. Gastrointestinal disease: this is significantly more common 302 in shift workers than in day workers, most commonly constipation and diarrhoea experienced when working night shifts. No one in the group would receive any of the group award if any time had been lost and anyone responsible for an accident that damaged equipment would lose their individual stamp reward for one month for every $2000 of damage up to a maximum of 12 months. (2000) have shown, the effectiveness of this treatment is fairly significant, and may offer hope to individuals who have not responded well to antipsychotic medication. Research anyone whose name you do not recognise. It can also be used more subjectively to refer to behaviours that are not considered normal in a particular society, or that harm the individual or those around them. (chimpanzee helping) and explain whether each one was supported by the study. (1989) in the applied tension research. Einarsen, S. (1999). However, this measure alone did not fully explain the experience of the participants. Avoidance: avoidance involves suppressing the conflict or withdrawing from the conflict completely. You decide to use this random sampling technique based on the students examination candidate numbers. Participants frequently described dreams when woken from REM but rarely did from nREM sleep although there were some individual differences (see Table 2.1). When he was interviewed the phobia was interfering significantly with his normal functioning; he could no longer dress himself and had become preoccupied with avoiding touching buttons or clothing that could have touched buttons. The mean number of fainting instances was 10.8 in the blood phobic group and 7.7 in the injection phobic group. These include packaging, positioning and placement, sales techniques and purchasing decisions and behaviours. Laney et al. Even when reduction of addiction occurs (e.g. Riggio offers a starting point in identifying that conflict may have individual or situational causes. When we experience an event, we have to encode (convert) this sensory information into a format that the brain can store. played no music on weekdays. Ive also invited her boyfriend William and one of her old school friends, Claire, but she doesnt know that yet. By contrast, the cognitive approach looks at factors relating to mental processes, such as dysfunctional thought patterns, whereas behaviourists believe abnormal behaviour is a result of learning. Obedient Avoidance:behaviours avoidance involves suppressing the conflict from thevisibly conflict reducing completely. If you have many products or ads, In terms of the nature versus nurture argument, the biochemical treatments such as MAOIs, SSRIs and ECT consider biological factors (nature) as most important in reducing symptoms of depression. During the first session (week one), all participants were treated identically. Cognition can be defined as the mental processes of acquiring and processing knowledge and understanding through experiences, senses and thought. Consequently, any attempt to apply the results from this research to an everyday situation will be flawed. The problems associated with both independent measures and repeated measures designs are overcome in a matched pairs design. ISSUES AND DEBATES Measures: Beck Depression Inventory One way depression is commonly measured by healthcare professionals is through psychometric testing. Explain how each idea would improve generalisability. Subjectivity: a personal viewpoint, which may be biased by ones feelings, beliefs or experiences, so may differ between individual researchers. On a more basic level, the experience of psychosis consists of a series of abnormalities of function; such as sensory dysfunction and working memory impairment. However, there are other complementary explanations which might explain why depression is triggered, such as adverse life events. Psychologists from the social or psychodynamic traditions would look towards situational factors that contribute to the disorder, such as traumatic events or difficulty with forming early relationships. Ford Tractor Parts $10 (dal > West Fort Worth) hide this posting restore restore this posting. November 4, 2022. The magnetic field causes the nuclei in hydrogen molecules in the brain to spin in a particular way, and the scanner picks this up. He wonders if calculating the mean will make him feel better still, but it doesnt. There are also social norms around interacting in public, levels of eye contact and personal space which vary among cultures. The physical and psychological measurement of gambling environments. The psychological environment: This section considers the way that consumers make sense of their environment, the impact of menu design and the importance of personal space. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM): published by the American Psychiatric Association, it is used as a classification and diagnostic tool by doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists across the globe. This will increase variety. Duration: length of time, e.g. The UCS already produces a response (the unconditioned response, UCR), which is often an innate (instinctive) reaction. What effect might demand characteristics have in this study? used a safety campaign in a mine and, after the token economy, the miners were still working carefully ten years later. The managers, working with Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University, examined the effects on productivity of lighting changes and work structure changes such as working hours and break times. Looking back over your childhood, think about three different behaviours that you can definitely say you learned, rather than their being purely the product of maturation. A supervisor also commented that it was difficult to provide feedback to a worker without moving to a private meeting room. In this research, participants were followed up after one year to evaluate the effectiveness; this may show a longer-term effect than the six month follow-up used by st et al. Psychological Review, 69, 379399. Schizophrenia and delusional disorder Delusional disorder is a disorder characterised by persistent delusions, but people suffering from it otherwise have quite normal behaviour, unlike those with classic schizophrenia. The relative strengths and weaknesses of this approach can be considered in relation to short timespan studies. Fox, D. K., Hopkins, B. L., and Anger, W. K. (1987), The Longterm Effects of a Token Economy in Safety Performance in Open Pit Mining, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 20, no. An article by Wickstrom and Bendix (2000) describes the original Hawthorne studies and challenges the conclusions that were drawn. Middlemist, R. D., Knowles, E. S. and Matter, C. F. (1976) Personal space invasions in the lavatory: suggestive evidence for arousal. Identical twins make ideal KEY TERM matched pairs design: an experimental design in which participants are arranged into pairs. [3 marks] 5 The biological approach focuses on the physiological causes of behaviour, for example Schachter and Singer looked at the role of the hormone adrenalin in emotions; whereas the learning approach focuses on the acquisition of behaviours; The biological approach often studies physiology using brain scans/EEGs or by manipulating biological variables like Schachter and Singer did by injecting adrenalin; whereas the learning approach typically uses observation of behaviour/laboratory experiments; The biological approach focuses on physiological processes within individuals, such as brain activity/the role of hormones like Schachter and Singer did by testing adrenalin; whereas the learning approach focuses on the [4 marks] behaviour of individuals. There has been some discussion about the role of low levels of melatonin but there is no conclusive evidence for the risk of cancer being increased by shift work. This means the person with the disorder will experience intrusive, recurrent thoughts and urges that are unwanted. Inter-observer reliability is the consistency in the problem. However groupthink can also have benefits. The participants were randomly assigned to either the love condition (58) or the control group (45). You will also need to be able to suggest ways to improve the methodology used. b The independent variable is the same in Barry and Anouks studies, as is the dependent variable. It is therefore important to get the best possible sample. Journal of Neuroscience, 20, 15. The study by Grossman and Wisenblit demonstrated that when given the choice, people chose coloured objects that had been associated with pleasant music. This is behaviour that is largely directive, the leader will define the role for the members of the group and will explain (or tell) the group members how, why, when and where to do the task. [6 marks] Chapter 6 1 a Agoraphobia is the extreme or irrational fear of being in public places, such as being in open spaces, standing in line or using public transport. Suggest eight different scenarios that could be imagined by a person receiving similar treatment to that described here. Participants seemed to compare themselves with a stereotypical victim, leading them to decide that their own risks were less than average. The waiting room had been arranged to look in a state of disarray. Be the first to receive exclusive offers and the latest news on our products and services directly in your inbox. The effects of shift work on health In Knutssons 2003 review of the effects of shift work, he brings together evidence on the relationship between working at night or on a shift work pattern and specific serious medical disorders. In the description of the correlation on sleep and emotions (Section 1.6), the two measured variables were the amount of sleep and how emotional someone is or their emotional reactivity. Pokmon Clover is a ROM Hack of Pokmon Fire Red featuring the two brand new regions of Fochun and the Ebin Isles, as well as 386 original fakemon! This makes it a useful tool for clinicians. 11 Explain what is meant by the term groupthink. The main hypothesis in a study (sometimes called the alternative hypothesis) can be written in several different ways. Hackman, J. R., and Oldham, G. R. (1976). Procedure The experimenters designed the experimental task in order to examine the ability and flexibility of chimpanzees to help a conspecific, depending on their need. This is about whether behaviour, feelings or thinking processes could result from nature (innate, genetic factors) or from nurture (can be explained in terms of the environmental influences). However, there are clearly differences in the parrots abilities and those of humans and other primates which cannot be attributed to factors in the environment, but rather in-born traits and abilities unique to different species. (1989), 30 patients from the same hospital with phobia of blood, wounds and injuries were individually treated using applied tension, applied relaxation or a combination of these two methods. Two 60 second advertisements were produced, both of which showed the initial cause of the fire (overfilling in one and inattendance in the other) and then the actions required to put this out. This type of data is useful because it can help us to understand the reasons underlying abnormal behaviour. Participants are put in each level of the IV such that each person has an equal chance of being in any condition. To measure activity in the brain, fMRI data were collected by a 1.5 Tesla fMRI scanner (Figure 2.3), which was used to measure bloodoxygen level-dependent contrast. The first set of data was collected approximately eight weeks before the move to the open plan office. 9 Satisficing means that customers get approximately where they want to go and then stop the decision making process. 282 There are many advantages to an organisation of having a non-monetary recognition scheme. To further protect the participant, the injection was administered by a trained doctor who was around for the duration of the experiment to monitor the participants. Health and safety Accidents at work: errors and accidents in operator-machine systems Technology has led to the development of machinery that largely replaces many of the tasks previously done by human workers. So, for example a gambler might be instructed to imagine they are coming back from a long, stressful day at work. class do arts and humanities subjects and all the students in the hard chairs class do maths and sciences. Imagine an experiment on euphoria and anger in which a researcher is not sure whether their questionnaire is a reliable measure of happiness. The consistent placing of the electrodes ensured that recordings taken from each participant would provide the same information. Providing opportunities to use and develop skills: People will rate their QWL higher if they are given autonomy and independence to do their jobs and if there is scope to develop their skills. disgust) remain unchanged or even increased. Some people believe that ToM is unique to humans, and can explain why they are the only species to demonstrate altruistic helping. It was constructed as a typical open plan design. Also, since participants were from several different clinics across the UK, the sample was probably fairly representative. by taking numbers from a hat. Hormones: chemicals that are released from glands and travel around the body in the blood to communicate messages between organs. Action-oriented roles Shapers are people who challenge the team to improve. Appropriate solution is clearly described. As this is a natural/quasi-experiment, it was not possible for Baron-Cohen et al. Manic symptoms Depressive symptoms Changes in mood Changes in mood Long period of feeling euphoric or high Long period of feeling sadness and despair Rage; irritability Loss of interest in enjoyable activities Changes in behaviour Changes in behaviour Becoming easily distracted, having racing thoughts Struggling to concentrate or remember easily Sudden interest in new activities or projects Withdrawing from activities or friends Over-confidence in ones abilities Fatigue or lethargy Speaking quickly Finding it difficult to make decisions Sleeping less or appearing not to need sleep Change to appetite or sleeping patterns Engaging in risky behaviours (e.g. They may be indecisive and struggle to commit to a position. Pentium B960 vs B970 single-threaded benchmarks Single-threaded benchmarks run on a single CPU core, and do not depend on such features as the number of cores, or Hyper-Threading technology. However, it would be a field research in one situation would generalise to ot R u i g to t e i a at t e b gi i g of t is s c i n of t periment b c use t e chil n a e b i g t s d on a K Y isERM This influenced by whether the situation (e.g. Studies have found that victims are more sensitive, suspicious and angry, tend to have lower self-esteem and be more anxious in social settings. Name. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud, 10(3). He therefore changed to the computerised system to improve r iabi it . By presenting them all together, it is easier to compare the different types of remembering and forgetting. 156, 157 leisure environments 1612 Lentz, R. 129 Lewin, B. Questionnaire: a research method that uses written questions. This would be a random sample as any individual is equally likely to be chosen. If this were the case, the problem could be reduced by using counterbalancing. The study was testing a new way to help people to fall asleep, using a recording of bubbling stream. 1, 2004. Data can be displayed graphically using bar charts, histograms or scatter graphs. Self-selecting sampling: see volunteer sampling. If Dr Blot happens to use a test of data analysis as her measure of the DV, she might find that the students in the hard chairs level of the IV perform better. Nonetheless, it provides quantitative data which makes it easy to compare the outcomes of interventions, as we shall see in the next section. If the reliability is high, the same results will be obtained on both occasions, i.e. Of 39 REM awakenings when dreams were not reported, 19 occurred in the first 2 hours of sleep, 11 from the second 2 hours, 5 from the third 2 hours and 4 from the last 2 hours. They intend to deceive the participants about the independent variable, which will be either to tell them what will really happen their pulse rate should fall or to give them false information by telling them that some people see disturbing flashing lights. >Have you confused me with someone else again? Not only this but chip-pan fires were a major cost to the taxpayer in terms of providing emergency fire crews and police and the associated costs to the National Health Service. This means it is fairly accurate and consistent in measuring the severity of an individuals level of depression. [2 marks] 3 One strength of the biological approach is that it is scientific. Suggest one ethical problem that could arise from this. Finally, the drivers who stop past the line are given a note by a confederate while they are stationary. Anaesthesia: a temporary state of induced loss of sensation or consciousness which is used to relieve pain and suffering. Amygdala: part of the brain involved in emotional responses. One was that he had several children of his own with his mother, and imagined that his father was in fact his grandfather. The symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorders can be very specific and unique to individuals, which makes designing generic tests difficult. The second group contains individuals who show a high level of job involvement and a low level of organisational commitment. They were asked whether they worked variable shifts or whether they always worked the same shift. Other names that were on the tape but were not party-goers (e.g. (1997). Ceiling effect: this occurs when a test is too easy and all participants in a condition score the top score. g Validity is about being certain you are testing what you claim to test; if the food-search task measured ability to smell it would not be testing intelligence/ if the animals differed in their sense of smell it would not be testing intelligence. Younar High-Gloss Spray Airbag Body Powder Spray Glitter Powder. Color. [2 marks] 7 Because false feedback led to a false memory which made people more likely to say that they would eat asparagus/would pay more for it; which would be a change in their behaviour. Forty participants in the love condition met the criteria to be labelled believers. They also found that the amygdala is sensitive to individuals experienced emotional intensity of visual stimuli with activity in the left amygdala during encoding being predictive of subsequent memory. Nearly 80% of victims received spontaneous help (i.e. what they do, or would you give them a puzzle to make them this would produce false results. in vitro: instances where exposure to the phobic stimulus is imagined, such as through a visualisation exercise. 34 With how many men (other than your father) has your mother had extramarital relationships? Social norms around interacting in public, levels of leadership model which did. 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