answer choices Domain, Genus, Family, Order, Class, Phylum, Kingdom, Species Placement of a species within a particular genus is based on various genetic and phenotypic characteristics shared among the species. Eukaryotes with a cell wall, chlorophyll, and a photoautotrophic lifestyle; unicellular organisms that can sometimes be found in filamentous colonies; cell walls can be made of cellulose or silicon calcium; classified based on cell morphology, photosynthetic pigments, cell wall components, and storage carbohydrates, Colorless, motile eukaryotes that lack a cell wall and ingest (or absorb) organisms or organic particles; unicellular; classified based on cell morphology and motility, Large taxonomic group, consisting of closely related phyla in older classification systems, Suggested creating a third kingdom for Protista in 1866, Added Fungi as a fifth kingdom of eukaryotic microbes in 1959, The three domains of life, based on rRNA genetic sequences, Domain that has no nuclear membrane, no mitochondria or chloroplasts, peptidoglycan cell walls (usually), 70S ribosomes, and ester-linked membrane lipids, Domain that has no nuclear membrane, no mitochondria or chloroplasts, no peptidoglycan cell walls, 70S ribosomes, and ether-linked membrane lipids, Domain that has a nuclear membrane, mitochondria and (sometimes) chloroplasts, no peptidoglycan cell walls, 80S ribosomes, and ester-linked membrane lipids, Grouping organisms together based on superficial or analogous traits, When the nested hierarchical (Linnaean) classification also reflects the branching evolutionary relationships of the organisms, Cluster of organisms sharing a common ancestor and diagnosably distinct from other such clusters, Assembles and assimilates many levels of information from molecular to ecological, including phylogeny, morphological and cultural observation, physiological and metabolic properties, chemical markers, and ecological characters, Unit of classification based on mutual similarity or relatedness, Domain, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species, A collection of different species, each sharing some major property that defines the group as a whole, Applied to strains with special biochemical or physiological properties, Applied to strains with distinctive antigenic properties, Applied to strains with pathogenic properties for a certain host, Applied to strains with the ability to be lysed by certain bacteriophages, Applied to strains with special morphologic features, Nucleic acids or proteins used as "clocks" to measure amount of evolutionary change over time, Universally distributed, functionally homologous, conserved, reflective of evolutionary change in whole organism, Criteria to use when determining a good molecular chronometer, Ancient molecule often used as a molecular chronometer; functionally constant, universally distributed, and moderately well-distributed, Pioneered the use of rRNA for phylogenetic studies in the 1970s, ATPase proteins, RecA, certain translational proteins, Commonly used molecular chronometers other than rRNA, 16S rRNA similarity threshold above which two sequences are likely to be from the same organism, Includes cell shape, size, arrangement, flagellation, staining reactions, and colony morphology, Includes carbon and nitrogen utilization, energy sources, fermentation products, growth and temperature range, oxygen tolerance and pH optimum, pigments, storage products, and antibiotic sensitivity, Allows growth of several types of microbes and displays visible differences among those microbes, through pH indicators or gas production, for example, A medium that contains a small amount of glucose and a large amount of lactose & sucrose, Includes features such as cell wall constituents, peptidoglycan, complex lipids, fatty acids of membrane phospholipids, and whole organism proteins, Have a cell wall with an inner 2-7 nanometer peptidoglycan layer and outer membrane (7-8 nanometers thick) of lipid, protein, and polysaccharide; appear as spheres, ovals, straight or curved rods, helices, or filaments; some have sheaths or capsules; reproduce by binary fission or sometimes budding; can be phototrophic, chemolithoautotrophic, or chemoorganoheterotrophic; can be motile or nonmotile; can produce several types of appendages; cannot form endospores, Have a cell wall with a homogenous layer of peptidoglycan 20-80 nanometers thick, though other polysaccharides and teichoic acids may be present; appear as spheres, rods, or filaments and may show true branching; reproduce via binary fission; usually chemoorganoheterotrophic; most often nonmotile but have peritrichous flagella when motile; usually lack appendages; some groups can form endospores, Lack a cell wall and peptidoglycan precursors; enclosed by a cytoplasm membrane; pleomorphic in shape and may take filamentous or branching forms; reproduces by budding, fragmentation, or binary fission; chemoorganoheterotrophic; most require cholesterol and long-chain fatty acids for growth; usually nonmotile; lack appendages; do not form endospores, Straight chain fatty acids containing twelve or more carbon atoms; found in the polar lipids of the plasma membrane and lipopolysaccharide of Gram-negative bacteria, Long-chained, branched fatty acids characteristic of members of the genus Mycobacterium; found in nocardioform bacteria. When exposed to a particular microbial control protocol, a fixed percentage of the microbes within the population will die. Taxonomy is the area of biologic science comprising three distinct but highly interrelated disciplines: classification, nomenclature (naming), and identification of organisms. Applied to all living entities, taxonomy provides a consistent means to classify, name, and identify organisms. 1. For these reasons, confidently establishing a microorganisms relatedness in higher taxa beyond the genus level is difficult. Figure 9.1 Medical devices that are inserted into a patient's body often become contaminated with a thin biofilm of microorganisms enmeshed in the sticky material they secrete. It provides the accepted labels by which organisms are universally recognized. Chapter 7 Microbial Genetics Los Angeles Mission College. Select reasons why chytrids differ significantly from other fungi. Microbiology Videos 20,026 views. Taxonomy is the classification, description, identification, and naming of living organisms. Assign them in groups and names based on groups they fit into, it also helps identification. answer choices. The rules and criteria for these changes are beyond the scope of this chapter, but such changes are documented in the International Journal of Systemic and Evolutionary Microbiology. The breaking down of complex molecules into simpler molecules which cells can use for food is called ___________. Log In or, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window). Classification is a method for organizing microorganisms into groups or taxa based on similar morphologic, physiologic, and genetic traits. The Prokaryotes include the Archaea, which include inhabitants of some of the most extreme environments on the planet, and the Bacteria, which include . For example, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Klebsiella oxytoca are two distinct species within the genus Klebsiella. Classification is a method for organizing microorganisms into groups or taxa based on similar morphologic, physiologic, and genetic traits. This term refers to the structure in which spores are produced. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is important to the food industry in what way? 1. 2. Halobacterium and most of its relatives require over . Learn microbiology test chapter 5 microbial metabolism with free interactive flashcards. They produce enzymes which break down organic molecules into a useable form. The name of a family is formed by adding the suffix -aceae to the root name of the type genus; for example, the Streptococcaceae family type genus is Streptococcus. Define classification, identification, species, genus, and binomial nomenclature. As more information is gained regarding organism classification and identification, a particular species may be moved to a different genus or assigned a new genus name. As with macroorganism biogeography, microbial biogeography initially adopted a taxonomic approach, focusing on sequence signatures to identify groups of microorganisms. Organism 2: Single-celled, mitochondria present. a phosphate group that makes one end of the molecule hydrophilic and one end hydrophobic; "free" lipids; includes phospholipids, glycolipids, and amino acid amines, Lipid biomarkers; function mainly as electron and proton carriers in photosynthetic and respiratory electron transport chains, A type of lipid with a structure composed of multiple chemical rings; found in fungi, A type of fatty acid ester that are derived by transesterification of fats with methanol; the primary molecules in biodiesel obtained from vegetable oils by transesterification; used to produce detergents and biodiesel, Typical number of carbons per fatty acid chain, The variable properties that make an organism's CFA composition distinctive, The experimental determination of genomic similarity by measuring the extent of hybridization of DNA from one organism with that of another; once the gold standard for species identification; useful for distinguishing closely related bacteria but does not reveal phylogenetic history, The DNA-DNA hybridization value needed for two organisms to be considered of the same species, DNA-DNA hybridization threshold above which it is likely two organisms belong to the same genus, The approximate number of known species of fungi, The estimated number of species of fungi (both known and unknown), A structural polysaccharide, consisting of glucose derivative amino sugar monomers, found in many fungal cell walls and in the exoskeletons of all arthropods, Amoeboid feeding stage in the life cycle of a plasmodial slime mold; mobile multinucleate mass of cytoplasm without a firm cell wall, The branching, threadlike tubes that make up the bodies of multicellular fungi, An organism (such as some primitive algae) having a diploid zygote that undergoes meiosis to produce haploid cells, An organism having a diploid number of chromosomes in its cells, Having multicellular diploid and haploid stages, A cell of a fungal hypha or mycelium containing two haploid nuclei of different strains; the nuclei associate in pairs but do not fuse, therefore the cell is not truly diploid, A nuclear cycle wherein genes of haploid nuclei recombine without meiosis, Networks of branched hyphae adapted for absorption in fungi, Include the phycomycetes and lower fungi, as well as Rhizopus nigricans, Common black bread mold; used to produce citric acid, The name comes from the saclike structure in which the spores develop; fungal group that includes yeasts such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Fungal taxon that includes wood-rotting fungi and edible fungi (mushrooms), Species that do not undergo sexual reproduction or have not demonstrated it, Thick-walled spore formed in an oogonium by fungus like organisms like the phylum Oomycota, The thick-walled resting cell of certain fungi and algae, arising from the fusion of two similar gametes, A sexually produced fungal spore formed within an ascus of ascomycetes, Typically each contain one haploid nucleus that is the product of meiosis; form in a fanlike structure; used by basidiomycetes to reproduce, A specialized fungal hypha that produces conidia, Spore produced by sac and club fungi during asexual reproduction, The number of published species names for prokaryotes, The number of genus names for prokaryotes, Sustainability, limits and strategies of life, biodiversity and discovery of new products, conservation and restoration, Why studying microbial diversity is important, "Genetic material of actual or potential value", inclusive of whole organisms, cell component and extracts, and nucleic acids, Food and beverage biotechnology, metabolites (amino acids, antibiotics, biopharmaceuticals), enzymes, organic synthesis, single cell protein, environmental biotechnology, biological fuels, Biotechnology applications microbial diversity is a useful source of, Search for and discovery of novel microorganisms and properties, A diverse clade of gram-negative bacteria that includes five subgroups known as alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and epsilon, Includes the enteric bacteria and fluorescent pseudomonas, Includes Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Shigella, Proteus, and Yersinia; generate ATP ether by oxidative degradation of organic compounds or by fermentation of simple sugars under anaerobic conditions, Obligately respiratory (aerobic or denitrifying; some species are famous for using a wide variety of organic compounds as carbon and energy sources; includes several plant pathogens, Includes Thiobacillus and Acidothiobacillus, chemolithoautotrophic bacteria that live by oxidizing reduced sulfur compounds and are used in the extraction of ores, Includes Rhizobium, Zymomonas, Gluconobacter, and Acetobacter, Nitrogen-fixing chemoheterotrophs that fix nitrogen in symbiosis with legumes, Involved in the fermentation of sugars to ethanol using the Entner-Doudoroff pathway, Oxidize ethanol to acetic acid and are used in manufacture of vinegar, Gram-positive "genus" that has been split into several new genera; strictly anaerobic; members obtain energy only by substrate-level phosphorylation; can form endospores; ferments sugars with butyric acid as a major end product, A bacterial species that ferments sugar to a mixture of organic solvents (acetone, butanol and ethanol), Clostridium botulinum, Clostridium tetani, Clostridium perfringens, Oxidation of one amino acid with the use of the second amino acid as the electron acceptor; a form of fermentation found in clostridia, Include Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, and Pediococcus; obtain energy by fermentation of simple sugars to lactic acid (homofermentative) or to lactic acid, ethanol and CO2 (heterofermentative); aerotolerant anaerobes, grow best at low oxygen tension in habitats rich in sugars, peptides, purines/pyrimidines and vitamins; tolerate low pH, Producing only lactic acid from the fermentation of glucose, Producing a mixture of products, typically lactate, ethanol, and CO2, from the fermentation of glucose, Involved in the fermentation of vegetables and milk; generates ATP by converting glucose into two molecules of lactic acid, Genus of rod-shaped, endospore-forming, Gram-positive aerobic bacteria; chemoheterotrophic; most are harmless saprophytes, A naturally occurring soil bacterium that produces a protein that kills many pests, including caterpillars and the larvae of some flies and beetles, The Bacillus that produces the antibiotic bacitracin, The Bacillus that produces the antibiotic polymyxin, Found in Emmenthalcheese; ferments lactate to propionate, acetate and CO2, Important in the degradation of unusual compounds in soil; include Rhodococcus, Nocardia, and Mycobacterium (for example, Mycobacterium tuberculosis), Filamentous, Gram-positive bacteria; some species produce antibiotics such as tetracycline, erythromycin, neomycin, gentamycin, and streptomycin, Includes thermophilic eubacteria with an optimal growth temperature of 70-72 C; source of Taq polymerase, Unusual organisms with extremely high resistance to ionizing radiation, Medical diagnostics (identification applications), Identifying a pathogen isolated from a patient, Food industry (identification applications), Identifying a microbial contaminant responsible for food spoilage, Research setting (identification applications), Identifying a new isolate which carries out an important process, Used for rapid presumptive identification of pathogenic bacteria, 16S rRNA and other phylogenetic methods, nutritional patterns, chemical markers, presence of specific genes (e.g. Organizing microorganisms into groups or taxa based on groups they fit into, also. 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