Social Learning Theory Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 63, 575-582Bandura, A. TOS4. Husserl, E. (1970). According to them, even such random chains of association are determined by certain unconscious motivation factors. Nature of Thinking: (i) Thinking is a Series of Symbolic Process: C. T. Morgan regards thinking as "a sequence of symbolic processes". Pushing the roll further, a narrative response to the identified Excerpt begins and the operating I becomes increasingly immersed in the subjective experience of it. (J. N. Findlay, Trans.). But the process of thinking is purposeful, relates to a problem or issue on hand and is, therefore, more organised. (2004). Reasoning is used in logical thinking and problem solving. In addition, I refer to it as an image because, like a photographic image, it seems to be briefly fixed in ones awareness as a seemingly fixed and static visual object. As a result, I believe that the likelihood of that objects relevance and utilization is increased under these aforementioned conditions. Now we are in a position to define the first and simplestcategory of thought referred to asPrimary Thought. In this way, we can know and react to what we are thinking. This realization is repeatedly confirmed when one discovers that the observing self can never be successfully captured or objectified. Loss. The operating I first lives through, is subjectively immersed in, or embodies a developing Primary Excerptive Experience (developing memory), lives through that memorys objectification/identification in the form of an Excerpt, and lives through an Experience of Implicit or Explicit Knowing as a narrative reaction or response to that excerpt-memory. In fact abstract thinking involves much more of imagination than concrete thinking. The act of creation. In this regard, the operating I increasingly experiences itself as a receptive-reactive presence (albeit, implicitly) during its attention and response to the content of that Excerpt at the outset of and through the middle of the Experience of Explicit Knowing, for example. In contrast, the Juncture of Receptive-Reactive Presence is defined by the operating Is face-down surfacing from, attention to, and objectification of the same developing Primary Excerptive Experience. Secondary Elaborative Thoughts reflect one of two different transitions of attention out of the Experiences of Implicit or Explicit Knowing, which become their objects. Lastly, there is muchsaid about other theoretical and scientific underpinnings of thinking related to the brain and cognition. We will examine some of these aspects of thinking in the following paragraphs. For example, a school childs thinking about a test is much more intense immediately before the test than a week earlier. In contrast, a face-down surfacing from and attention to that passing Experience of Implicit or Explicit Knowings content allows for a more complete objectification of it and may yield an altogether different narrative in the conceptual reaction of a Secondary Thought than would a face-down surfacing from while keeping in mind transition. Until other theories come to the fore, this is the only one thatwe appear to have at the moment. Above, we discussed the fact that the operating I is grounded in the subjective present. As a result,that longer attention might be viewed as a reflective momentbecause one is lingering on its object, in a relative way. However, rather than simply identifying its content (i.e., what its about), the operating I transitioning out of it is also becoming conscious of the (passing) presence of the thought itself, and in so doing, takes it as an instance of self (e.g., Thats me!). Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press. Lets consider the Junctures of Receptivity and Receptive-Reactive Presence a bit more because there is something amazing happening in ones subjective experience at their outset. Nature of Psychology It is scientific and systematic. Historically, human experience is often referred to as a stream because it seems like objects and events continuously flow into and through us like water in a stream. As stated above, the prolonged attention to Excerpts renders their identities explicit in relation to an intensified sense of receptive-reactive presence during the Juncture of Receptive-Reactive Presence. In other words, it seemed like any sense of subjective presence was absent as I became awash in the experience of this imagery. But when our psychological activity is directed towards a particular issue, object or person, the situation is different. Thinking is an internal cognitive process which can be inferred from overt behaviour. Some definitions of thinking are as follows: Thinking is the activity of human reason as a process of strengthening the relationship between stimulus and response. At the outset of the Reflective Conceptual Phase of a Secondary Thought that is responding to that Explicitly Identified Excerpt I experience the narrative reaction, I wonder if there are some new blades under the sink. In contrast, if the Secondary Thought was an instance of version two of the second category of Implicit Identification, the operating I would be transitioning in a face-down attention to fashion, but with a shorter duration of attention to that passing Experience of Explicit Knowing (e.g., I need a new razor blade). He called these resting places the substantive parts of thoughts. In other words, in the midst of any given thought, the operating I is focused on its identified object while simultaneously being swept up in a narrative reaction to it. Image, as mind pictures, consist of personal experiences of objects, persons or scenes once actually seen, heard or felt. According to Ross(1951), Thinking is mental activity in its cognitive aspect or mental activity with regard to psychological objects, According to Gilmer (1970), Thinking is a problem-solving process in which we use ideas or symbols in place of overt activity. A thought exists when the operating I attends to, objectifies, and identifies a certain stimulus, followed by a sequence of phases that culminate in a conceptualization, all of which somehow take that objects identity and significance into account. In this case, it seems as if that longer attention to the identified Excerpt lent to a further association about it being time for me to eat too. In this case, the operating I is both immersed in while simultaneously surfacing from the narratives conceptual and quasi-perceptual contents. That narrative would consist of something like, Im the observer, the true self relative to that thought-object.. Thinking is a symbolic activity. Keep in mind that the main point of giving examples of differing narrative reactions to identified Excerpts is that they differ as a function of the variety of transitions of attention out of their objects. In, Privacy If it transitions via a face down attention to fashion it is version two. Freud, S. (1905). This does not mean that these two forms of abstract thinking are mutually exclusive. By doing so, one is seeing the scenery but is barely objectifying any given aspect of it. 3. This is similar to a swimmer performing the butter-fly stroke in which his head is briefly immersed in the water followed by its surfacing, resulting in the water being briefly in his sight. Subsequent researches and experiments in psychology have shown that the process of thinking while involving images and muscular activity, involves much more, especially the activity of the cerebral cortex and the association areas. In my opinion, this eye averting occurs with regularity while she is speaking because it is a sign that the she is experiencing Primary Excerptive Experiences or mini memories. In other words, the operating I is having an experience of self-awareness in the form of a subjective sense of presence relative to an objectified passing thought. A good example of the operation of such schema can be seen in the delusions of psychotic or severely maladjusted individuals. They also represent properties (suchas "sour" or "brave"), abstractions (such as "anger" or "fear"), and relations (suchas "smaller than" or "more intelligent than"). Now,I will definetwo different types of Reflective Thoughts that are identical in structure to Explicit Identification, primary and secondary categories. Traffic lights, railway signals, school bells, badges, songs, flags and slogans all stand for the symbolic expression. Login to your account using email and password provided during For instance, my conceptual reaction to the weather womans report from the night before consisted of the following: Ill use my remote car starter because the cars probably covered with ice. This reaction certainly implies that I identified the image of her weather report accurately. In contrast to this general definition of thoughts, there also exist what I refer to aspresently occurringcognitions, which are meaningful, behavioral/emotional reactions to attended to, objectified, and identified stimuli, reactions that somehow take those stimuli and their significance into account. Social Roles Further, abstract thinking is a more active process, and refers to possibilities rather than actualities. This greater probability is both a function of being Conscious of the identity of the present object and of experiencing a greater awareness of self in relation to it. It almost seems as if one is moving towards and away from that object simultaneously! Nature is what we think of as pre-wiring and is influenced by genetic inheritance and other biological factors. In contrast, at the beginning of Primary Reflective Thoughts the operating I attends to an Excerpt-image for a longer duration at the outset of an Experience of Explicit Knowing, resulting in its explicit identification. In other words, the meaning reflected in the identification of an objectified Excerpt of a passing Primary Excerptive Experience is embodied in an Experience of Implicit or Explicit knowing, the latter of which consists of a narrative reaction that may contain the significance of the content/identity of the Excerpt-image relative to the present goals of the self. (2018, December 20). The definition of thinking: Thinking is mental activity in its cognitive aspect or mental activity with regard to psychological objects. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Therefore, it is unlikely that the identity of any Excerpt will be remembered once the present instance of Implicit Identification ends because any given one hasnt been attended to long enough. Given the apparent variety that the narratives of Experiences of Implicit and Explicit Knowing take, and the differences in depth in which the operating I is immersed in their progression, I propose that the operating I becomes increasingly skilled in traversing or skimming over them in very rapid speeds. Similarly, the greater the verbal ability of an individual, the greater is the capacity for his or her abstract thinking. When the operating I surfaces face-up from a passing phase-based content, that content dissipates without being rendered a clear object and often evokes a new developing Primary Excerptive Experience somehow related to it. These mind pictures symbolize the actual objects, experiences and activities. Therefore, with small c consciousness the fixed image has only been detected long enough to allow for its implicit identification and a narrative reaction to it. Furthermore, each element of the theory presented in the book was supported by research and many complex issues relative to it had to be addressed. Nature is what we think of as pre-wiring and is influenced by genetic inheritance and other biological factors. There are two types of reasoning: deductive and inductive. Adults on the other hand show a different mode of thinking. This identification evolves into the following conceptual reaction: I need to put that inside the garage (e.g., Experience of Implicit Knowing). In other words, the water is already boiling and will serve its function, but the steam is irrelevant. Genes, interactions, and the development of behavior. Their identification begins at the outset of an Experience of Implicit or Explicit knowing. Libet, B. These scientists believe thatour thoughts are generatedon unconscious levels in the brain and that by thetime we become aware of them as sentencesin our minds, their cognitive and behavioral impact has already been determined. In its secondary categorical form it takes an Experience of Implicit Knowing or Explicit Knowing as its object, but in so doing, it attends to that identified object for a prolonged period as compared to either version of Implicit Identification, secondary category. Explicit Identification takes the Excerpts of passing conceptualizations as their identified objects, rendering them detected, Conscious, and explicitly identified at their outset. In addition, it is not implicitly or explicitly identified. The term excerpt is borrowed from the work of Julian Jaynes (1976) but defined somewhat differently. Twins early development study (TEDS): a multivariate, longitudinal genetic investigation of language, cognition and behavior problems in childhood. Concepts representobjects, activities, ideas, or living organisms. The first topic under Thinking Class 11 Psychology Notes is the nature of thinking. In other words, at the outset of the Reflective Conceptual Phase of Secondary Thought, my operating I attended to the objectified, excerpted Experience of Implicit Knowing for a very brief time (e.g., perhaps one tenth of a second), only long enough to detect its identity in an implicit way. These micro experiences are often initiated by an Exerpt Searching Reaction. Now we can see why the nature-nurture debate has become such a hotly contested issue. What begins as an attempt to understand the causes of behavioral differences often develops into a politically motivated dispute about distributive justice and power in society. (Gilmer) 4. Lastly, I will refer to this explicitly identified image as an Explicitly Identified Excerpt (EIE). Lets outline an example of the subjective differences that might occur between a thought that embodies a Juncture of Receptivity versus one that embodies a Juncture of Receptive-Reactive Presence. James said that the flights are the reactions to the substantive images and he referred to these as the transitive parts of thoughts. This is a blog about thinking. Nature of Thinking Thinking is essentially a cognitive activity. Lastly, the movements of the operating I in, as, and out of the different parts of thought vary from face-up to face-down transitions out of any one, from different degrees of immersion in any given part, and from different degrees of objectification (and hence, identification) of the contents of given, passing phases. This type of reaction I call an Experienceof Implicit Knowing, indicating that I was fleetingly and implicitly conscious of the content of the Excerpt as reflected by my conceptual reaction to it. The operating I transitions out of that Experience of Explicit Knowing in a face-down prolonged attention to fashion, rendering it an objectified and explicitly identified Excerpt that is Conscious. They are responsible forexperiences of self-awareness created by theinterplay between the operating Iand the narratives from which it surfaces. In other words, at the outset of the Reflective Conceptual Phase of the secondary category of Implicit Identification, that Experience of Explicit Knowing is objectified and implicitly identified. The process of association enables the organisation of the images into different categories and relating them to each other. However, these experiments were not conclusive and Watsons attempt to explain thinking as implicit muscular activity failed as miserably as the attempt of structural psychologists to explain thought as a combination of images. The operating I seems to process the phase-based contents of thoughts by being immersed in and as those contents, followed by surfacing from them via a variety of transitions of attention that often result in different degrees of their objectification and identification. Thought and language. In mind space it consists of quasi-perceptual content (usually visual) that serves as a developing memory. In other words, the slightly prolonged attention to the same Fxcerpt appears to result in a different, conceptual reaction, one that is more likely to be about that image rather than a reaction to it. Thinking, therefore, involves a more active effort on the part of the individual. The difference between normal thinking and delusive thinking is as follows: in the normal thinking process, the schema and perceptual realities interact actively and the schema retains its flexibility and undergoes changes when required by perceptual experiences. Memory is inherently a reconstructive process, whereby we piece together the past to form a coherent . At the outset of Prototypic Elaborative Thoughts the operating I attends to that objectified and hence excerpted Primary Excerptive Experience for a very short duration (e.g., one or two tenths of a second). It is an image because, as a quasi-perception, it is a representation of a stimulus in the surroundings, and therefore, not the actual stimulus itself. Face-down attention to transitions out of the passing Experiences of Implicit or Explicit Knowing lend themselves to new, associatively-based responses about those reactions. Implicit Identification exists in the primary category of thought and is a form of Elaborative Thought. However, the operating I attends to that image (i.e., holds in memory) for a couple of tenths of a second longer than in the first example, rendering it an Explicitly Identified Excerpt, culminating in the narrative reaction, That gas can is all dented up, I think Ill go buy a new one (Experience of Explicit Knowing). In A Theory of the Microdynamics of Occurrent Thought I also refer to the operating I as the centerof receptive-reactive presence. Images are either sensory or verbal. Because the theory is apparently so new to academia, the book presentation is very detailed, complex, and technical. Twin Research and Human Genetics, 5(5), 444-448. Its important to note, however, that the narrative response of the Secondary Reflective Thought above doesnt have to reflect a further association (though it likely will) or one that is more about its object than the narrative in the Secondary Elaborative Thought. Symbols and signs represent and stand as substitutes for actual objects, experiences and activities. Nature of Reasoning: (i) Reasoning is Typical Thinking: It thinks out a new relationship among the facts previously observed and recalled at present. Utilizing some of the other concepts discussed thus far, that swimmers head may, at times, surface face-up from its brief immersion in the water during the butterfly stroke andface-down during the free style stroke. The process of acquiring knowledge is facilitated by cognitive processes such asattention, thinking, remembering, and reasoning. The operating I can become immersed inthe perceptual and quasi-perceptual contents at hand, while having no subjective sense of consciousness of self or ofone of those contents, followed by its surfacing from that immersion,leading to their objectification,identification, and todifferentdegrees ofself- and object-awareness in its reactions to them. In other words, thinking occurs whenever an individual perceives a problem or issue, which is significant, whereas imagination occurs in the absence of such things. Nevertheless, it has the power to immediately influence my behavior in guiding me home. In other words, the content of the narrative unfolding in relation to the explicitly identified object is often directly related to its relevance to the selfs needs/goals, a self that feels a sense of heightened presence in relation to that objects relevance to its needs/goals.
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