Ready to take a closer look? Likewise, speculative fiction in its most recent understanding is a fuzzy set super category that houses all non-mimetic genresgenres that in one way or another depart from imitating consensus realityfrom fantasy, science fiction, and horror to their derivatives, hybrids, and cognate genres, including the gothic, dystopia, zombie, vampire and post-apocalyptic fiction, ghost stories, weird fiction, superhero tales, alternate history, steampunk, slipstream, magic realism, retold or fractured fairy tales, and many more. Since Gernsbacks interest lay in amazing gadgets, the wonder of progress, and the marvels delivered by future technologyusually at the expense of scientific feasibility and human developmentHeinlein sought to change the discourse around science fiction through advocating for a new term and then claiming for it the status of Literature.. Indeed, no other cultural formation had put such a premium on the distinction between the real and the unreal, or had so reductively defined the real as the post-Enlightenment West. 25 Speculative Fiction Markets that Pay Writers - Authors Publish Strange Horizons is an award-winning magazine that produces weekly digital and audio editions. The Hunger Games is science fiction in that tradition. It refers to literary works that blur the lines of traditional categories. What Is Speculative Fiction? Defining and Understanding the Different What is a speculative? Explained by FAQ Blog The key element that separates Speculative fiction from other genres is the element of the impossible. Anything is possible in a Speculative fiction story, no matter how improbable it may seem. This was happening through establishing genre-specific journals, organizations, conferences, presses, awards, courses, scholarship, and other initiatives. In other words, speculative literature includes all texts that take place "in a universe slightly different from our own" (Wyatt, 1-2). the Extra-Terrestrial by Steven Spielberg. This type of writing can include elements of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and more. The third, more inclusive, less prescriptive, and increasingly widespread understanding of speculative fiction has been to adapt the term for the entire extremely diverse field of non-mimetic narrative fiction. This was, in part, because the quality markers Heinlein attributed to speculative fiction can arguably be found in much science fiction and other non-mimetic genres that fell outside of Heinleins purview. This curiosity and freedom in speculative fiction is totally worth it, but here are a few of those unique challenges to look out for. Like most works deemed to have 'literary merit' (perilous term though this is), books classified within this genre tend to be more character-driven than plot-driven. Given all these advantages, the fantastic has been extensively used especially by fantasy scholars. By making possible futures the centerpiece of her approach, Atwood repeatsunknowingly perhapsthe same claims that were made about science fiction in the 1960s, when authors such as Isaac Asimov proclaimed that the American space program was a vindication of the stories published earlier in Astounding Tales. Within the larger framework of speculative fiction, each of these genres enjoys more autonomy and agency in identifying its alliances, inspirations, and predecessors. Realism thus offered a limited view of the human experience. It failed to do so. This can be done in several ways, but it often includes stories that deal with morality, ethics, and what it means to be alive. For those who value the term, it is the largest, the most diverse, and the most dynamic category of modern storytelling. The Complete Guide To Creating Backstory In Speculative Fiction With works appealing to all age groups and across a range of subculture audiences; operating in printed, electronic, and hybrid formats; and available in all visual media, contemporary speculative fiction spans anything from Spongebob to Avengers, Thor, the Ice Age movies and The Hunger Games to a Southpark spoof of The Game of Thrones. 61 Imaginative Science Fiction Writing Prompts - Authority Self-Publishing It need not be unadventurous ; the. True, many scholars across the board used the fantastic8 as a designation for this larger cluster, but their proposals were often handicapped by claims about genre seniority and the hierarchical taxonomies they entailed. Speculative Fiction World-building Techniques You Need To Know Most popular fictional books are based on real-life events, as Margaret Atwood so clearly emphasizes in one of her recent interviews. Speculative fiction takes an ordinary reality and plunges it into something far stranger, often exploring the possible consequences of new technologies or worlds. On the Writing of Speculative Fiction - Wikipedia On the Writing of Speculative Fiction " On the Writing of Speculative Fiction " is an essay by American science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein. Written at a transitional cusp, when it became apparent that genre-focused approaches fail to capture the larger contours of fantasys entanglement with other non-mimetic genres, Humes study challenges taxonomies, in which fantasy is treated as a genre opposed to realism. If youre looking for a genre thats always on the cutting edge, speculative fiction is definitely it! The term Speculative fiction was first used in the 1940s by American author Robert A. Heinlein. (I don't!) Thus, rather than looking for a conclusive statement, one may gain more from a diachronic overview of speculative fiction as a term whose semantic register continues to expand since it was coined as a name for a genre in the 1940s. Bacon delivers practical information, stimulating exercises and thought-provoking analyses with enthusiasm and authority. Copy this link, or click below to email it to a friend. When fellow writers, or fans, wrote Heinlein asking for writing advice, he famously gave out his own list of rules for becoming a successful writer: The above five rules really have more to do with how to write speculative fiction than anything said above them. This novel is a . 3. Waggoners book was thus the first clear articulation of a trend for conceptualizing fantasy as a strand in a larger tradition of speculative fiction that involves other non-mimetic genres. PDF WRITING SF - 01 on the writing of speculative ficiton - mab333 Bacon delivers practical information, stimulating exercises and thought-provoking analyses with enthusiasm and authority." . This might be a world where dinosaurs still exist, or humans have evolved to have extraordinary powers. 32. Details here. human beings cope with these new problems. Mediums largest collection of advice, support, and encouragement for writers. Second, it redefined the goal of the power struggle within the field from seeking to win the stamp of literariness for any particular genre to exploring how non-mimetic genres may be potentially more adequate than the so-called realist literature to address contemporary global challenges and reflect the diverse perspectives, traditions, and experiences of the multicultural world. 1. The definition of a story as, cover all writers, all stories-even James Joyce, if you find his, interesting. The conditions must be, in some respect, different from here-and-now, although the difference may lie only in an invention made in. Events that seemed supernatural were therefore explained away in realistic fiction as manipulation, coincidence, or illusion. Rejuvenation? It's a legion. Exploring Speculative Fiction: Your Guide to this Super-Genre Although insightful, the pioneering work on speculative fiction by Merril, Scholes, Waggoner, and Hume has been ignored by genre criticism to the extent that the re-emergence of the term in the early 2000s can hardly be attributed to their direct influence. It certainly flies in the face of most definitions of science fiction, based as they are on Darko Suvins necessary and sufficient condition of the narrative dominance of a novum that must be scientifically possible.3 Finally, Atwoods distinction between stories about events that could and could not really happen reiterates the most widely applied criterion for demarcating science fiction from fantasy rather than a criterion for distinguishing genres within science fiction. It operates across the spectrum of narrative media, from print, to drama, radio, film, television, computer games, and their many hybrids. In this engaging and accessible guide, Eugen Bacon explores writing speculative fiction as a creative practice, drawing from her own work, and the work of other writers and theorists, to interrogate its various subgenres. The important thing is that the story explores the possibilities of what could be. Writing Speculative Fiction: Creative and Critical Approaches This move redrew the map of the literature field and reframed the power struggle within it. This genre is all about "What if?" What if alchemy really worked? We help you become the best writer possible. China Miville, Editorial Introduction, Historical Materialism 10.4 (2002): 43. The sense of empirical convergence of these genres, especially when set against mimetic fiction, has been shared by publishers, readers, and critics. At the receiving end of Heinleins critique was the type of science fiction, or scientifiction, popularized by the first American pulp science fiction magazine, Hugo Gernsbacks Amazing Stories (since 1926). Other common themes include the exploration of other worlds, the future of our world, and the impact of technology on society. Authors would publish award-winning works in different non-mimetic genresthe fact recognized in the creation of the Nebula Award (since 1966) curated by an organization called Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. Darko Suvin, Metamorphoses of Science Fiction: On the Poetics and History of a Literary Genre (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1979), 78, 63. An inherently plural category, speculative fiction is a mode of thought-experimenting that includes narratives addressed to young people and adults and operates in a variety of formats. If youre looking for more like this, check out some of my other blog posts. Speculative fiction is a term that was developed in the 1970s. Theorized as a field of cultural production rather than a genre, speculative fiction is not limited to any specific literary techniques. Diana Waggoner, The Hills of Faraway: A Guide to Fantasy (New York: Atheneum, 1978), 8. We started the group in 2010. Rather than seeking a rigorous definition, a better approach is to theorize speculative fiction as a term whose semantic register has continued to expand. 27. "A good speculative fiction story would make you think, provide a new insight into human nature or even give you a new outlook on life." - Lida E. Quillen "It is a format that informs . Is Hunger Games speculative fiction? For another, it has been resented as supposedly suggesting the primacy of fantasy over science fictionor fantasy encompassing science fiction as one among its subgenreswhich is a contestable claim at its mildest and rather hard to accept for those who, like Jameson, see fantasy as technically reactionary29 and thus the opposite of science fiction. In these narratives the supernatural is real, as is the case in The Divine Comedy where the narrator experiences Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise as tangible places, not fundamentally divorced from ordinary reality. And lastly, no established fact shall be violated, and, furthermore, when the story requires that a theory contrary to present accepted. Credit the last, category to L. Ron Hubbard; I had thought for, Boy-meets-girl needs no definition. What if there was a war between good and evil? Heinleins use of speculative fiction was also restrictive, if not elitist: it excluded not just pulp science fiction and what later came to be known as hard science fiction, but also fantasy, horror, and other non-mimetic genres. 26. There was little effort, however, to advocate for the collective empowerment of all non-mimetic genres within the field of literature. Today, a search of speculative fiction in the Full Text box of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Database yields over thirty thousand items. It's anything and everything with a strong streak of the fantastic. It's tough because it requires you to imagine highly complex systems. In other words, speculative fiction today refers to a global phenomenon of non-mimetic traditions from around the world, whose contemporary ethnic examples often articulate multicultural reality better than the historically white and predominantly Anglophone non-mimetic genres. This novel has a DRA level of 50 and a lexile level of 530. Indeed, Scholes is careful to note that not all science fiction qualifies as structural fabulation and admits that certain works of modern fantasy share a structural perception of the universe in which magic, religion, and science become indistinguishable. This claim sets it apart from the bulk of fantasy scholarship of the 1970s and 1980s, focused as it was on defining fantasy as a genre: Tzvetan Todorovs The Fantastic: A Structural Approach to Literary Genre (1970), C. N. Manloves Modern Fantasy: Five Studies (1975), W. R. Irwins The Game of the Impossible: A Rhetoric of Fantasy (1976), Eric S. Rabkins The Fantastic in Literature (1976), Stephen Pricketts Victorian Fantasy (1979), Roger C. Schlobins The Literature of Fantasy: A Comprehensive, Annotated Bibliography of Fantasy Fiction (1979), Eric S. Rabkins Fantastic Worlds (1979), Brian Atteberys The Fantasy Tradition in American Literature: From Irving to Le Guin (1980), and Christine Brooke-Roses A Rhetoric of the Unreal: Studies in Narrative and Structure, especially of the Fantastic (1981). 8. 2. While Lovecrafts most oft-quoted creative statement is Supernatural Horror in Literature (1927), the most incisive recent overview of the relevance of horror to our contemporary culturewith its intimations of Apocalypse, decentering of human meaning in the universe, posthumanist questionings, and ironic disavowalscan be found in Carl H. Sederholm and Jeffrey Andrew Weinstocks Introduction to The Age of Lovecraft (2016). Seen from this angle, speculative fiction does not denote a genre as it does for Heinlein, Merril, and Atwood. Kingsley Amis defined science fiction as 'that class of prose narrative treating of a situation that could arise in the world we know, but which is hypothesised on the basis of some innovation in science or technology, or pseudo-science or pseudo-technology, whether human or extra-terrestrial in origin.' Do not send them simultaneous submissions. Dogmatic fabulation, going back to pre-modern fantastic voyages, through Dantes The Divine Comedy (1320) and John Miltons Paradise Lost (1667), is based on a closed system of belief, usually stemming from a religious dogma. Another advantage has been that the fantastic better captures the flows of fantastic motifs and themes across various media, including radio, film, drama, computer games, poetry, even fan culturecross-pollinations that are multidirectional and circulate through rather than merely flow out of the literary fantastic. 4. A glance at the Special Section of the fiftieth-anniversary volume of Extrapolation (2009), in which twenty scholars were asked to contribute short pieces on the current state of scholarship and criticism in the field of speculative fiction, reveals that the debate about the usefulness of the term speculative fiction is generational and attitudinal. Despite its perplexing heterogeneity, speculative fiction across the board shares two qualities. There are at least three ways to define speculative fiction. The original, long-contested, and not wholly abandoned formulation takes it to be a subset of science fiction. And should be we written to the point of being called "literary", whatever that means. With due respect to Mr. Bellamy, "Looking Backward" is a, perfect example of the fictionized essay. 12. Kate Macdonald, General Introduction: Utopian Ideals in Edwardian Political Future Fiction, in The Empire of the Future, ed. Judith Merril, Introduction, in SF: The Best of the Best (New York: Delacorte Press, 1967), 3. . Writing about science fictionwhich he defined in a way that applies to most non-mimetic literature: works of fiction that insist on some radical discontinuity between the worlds they present to us and the world of our experience12Scholes envisions Western literature as an evolving system grounded in each periods time-consciousness. Likewise, science fictionif traced to Mary Shelleys Frankenstein (1818)emerged as a questioning of the (Western) narrative of scientific progress and has continued to interrogate (Western) technological advances, both of which were foundational to the (Western) colonial expansion that had led to the crippling of non-Western cultures and the near erasure of their science and technologies. Whatever the setting, the stories in this genre are driven by curiosity and the possibilities of what could be. It was first published in 1947, also appearing in Writing Science Fiction & Fantasy: 20 Dynamic Essays By the Field's Top Professionals in 1993, and The Nonfiction of Robert Heinlein: Volume I in 2011.[1]. Think in systems and impacts. so-called science fiction is not about human beings and their problems, Technology. She's a dreamsinger, an ink alchemist, and an unabashed learning mutt. The problem itself-the "plot"-must be a /human /problem. Within this framework, realism has clearly been the voice of the dominant, materialist tradition. Some of the forces that contributed to this cultural shift include accelerating genre hybridization that balkanized the field previously mapped with a few large generic categories; the expansion of the global literary landscape brought about by mainstream cultures increasing acceptance of fantasy, science fiction, and horror; the proliferation of indigenous, minority, and postcolonial narrative forms that subvert dominant Western notions of reality or employ non-mimetic elements in different configurations than traditional Western genres; and finally the need for new conceptual categories to accommodate diverse and hybrid types of modern storytelling that oppose a stifling vision of realitywith its correlates of truth, facts, power, and othersimposed by exploitative global capitalism. To make sense of this most recent conceptualization of speculative fiction, it may be helpful to situate its arrival through the application of Raymond Williamss concepts of dominant and emergent cultures framed within Pierre Bourdieus comments about the dynamics of social and cultural fields. 6. Courtesy of the author Sadly, most of the changes in the market haven't advantaged the writers. Erica Drayton. Most sci-fi stories fit into the following sub-genres: Advanced science and technology (futuristic or fringe) Parallel or alternate universes or realities In fact, the speculative part of writing speculative fiction comes with some unique challenges, but the made-up bits allow writers in this genre to explore concepts and ask questions we couldn't otherwise ask. " An old baba come in from the waste, the boy almost smiled. Speculative fiction is notoriously hard to define. For one, it has been opposed by many science fiction scholars, from Suvin through Jameson, whose insistence on the unique cognitive value, epistemological gravity, and peculiar estrangement offered by science fiction have made them exclude fantasy, horror, and other non-mimetic genres from the science fiction field. Income equality is unheard of in the world of Panem . A truly global phenomenon that arose in the modern multicultural world, speculative fiction rejects the science for the West, myth for the rest mindset informing traditional Western non-mimetic genresespecially fantasy and science fiction, with their often colonialist and imperialist visions of spiritual or technological (con)quests. Raymond Williams, The Long Revolution (Cardigan, U.K.: Parthian, 2011), 68. Science fiction (often shortened as SF or sci-fi) is a genre of speculative fiction that focuses on the impact of real or imaginary science on its characters. Writing Speculative Fiction is a valuable addition to writers at any stage of development. Despite the difference between economic and cultural capital, however, any practices within a field, even these seemingly disinterested, are effectively economic practices in that they aim to maximize material or symbolic profit.7. In its broadest sense, mimesis signifies the desire to imitate reality with such verisimilitude that the audience can share the artists experience. What if his. . The field of speculative fiction resists stratification that was part of individual genre field dynamics, especially rankings from masterpieces to failures and the pitting of genre fiction against literary fiction. In speculative fiction, you must talk about the outcome of a particular issue that is unsolved. 20. It was clear from its usage that the term included fantasy, science fiction, and horror. Other examples include cyberpunk, science fiction, steampunk, fantasy, horror, weird fiction, magical realism, and others. The field view of speculative fiction can first be traced to New Wave radical feminist authors of the 1960s and 1970s and was a spinoff of American feminisms second wave. It has directed attention away from interminable taxonomic debates that had so far preoccupied scholars of non-mimetic fiction. Scholars, finally, would often address fantasy and science fiction together, even though, as Gary K. Wolfe has noted in his Critical Terms for Science Fiction and Fantasy: A Glossary and Guide to Scholarship (1986), fantasy and science fiction developed their own critical terminology largely apart from each other. You could not be signed in, please check and try again. A human-interest story stands a better chance, with the slicks than a gadget story, because the, usually appeals to a wider audience than does a, does not rule out the gadget story. Less than a decade after Merrils search for a comprehensive definition came perhaps the most theoretically sustained exploration of speculative fiction to date: Robert Scholess Structural Fabulation: An Essay on the Fiction of the Future (1975). Writing Speculative Fiction is Eugen Bacon's new and exciting non-fiction stroke of genius. Besides circumventing the problematic semantic legacy of the fantastic, the term speculative fiction brought other advantages as well. girl; they discover that they are perfectly adapted to each other, perfectly in love, "soul mates". What if magic were real? Literary fiction is known for containing political and social commentary, and a focus on the human condition. This approach can be traced to Robert A. Heinlein, who coined the term speculative fiction in 1941, popularized it through his 1947 essay On the Writing of Speculative Fiction, and advocated for it in his guest-of-honor speech at the 1951 World Science Fiction Convention. Some of the forces that contributed to the rise of speculative fiction include accelerating genre hybridization that balkanized the field previously mapped with a few large generic categories; the expansion of the global literary landscape brought about by mainstream cultures increasing acceptance of non-mimetic genres; the proliferation of indigenous, minority, and postcolonial narrative forms that subvert dominant Western notions of the real; and the need for new conceptual categories to accommodate diverse and hybridic types of storytelling that oppose a stifling vision of reality imposed by exploitative global capitalism. The Critical Reception of Speculative Fiction M, Core Collections in Genre Studies Fantasy Fiction, Th3 Th3 Science Fiction of Kurt Function of Vonnegut, Jr. Novels, Nemla News Northeast Modern Language Association, North American College Courses in Science Fiction, Utopian Literature, and Fantasy, Speculative Fiction Science Fiction and Fantasy, Female Identity and Intersectionality in Contemporary Speculative Fiction, Speculative Fiction and Speculative Ethics: Society, Science Fiction, and the Thomas Theorem Daniel O. This open-ended use of the fantastic for a continuum of non-mimetic fiction was reflected in titles of such studies as Rabkins The Fantastic in Literature (1976) or Christine Brooke-Roses A Rhetoric of the Unreal: Studies in Narrative and Structure, especially of the Fantastic (1981), but also in professional events such as the International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts, an annual event since 1980. What is Speculative Fiction: A Complete Guide to the Encompassing Genre As this description suggests, the mutation of speculative fiction called structural fabulation transcends any single genre. The dominant culture, however, is always challenged by the emergent culture, with its own structure of feeling based on a different set of lived experiences. The term "Speculative fiction" was first used in the 1940s by American author Robert A. Heinlein. Todays speculative fiction affirms not merely the existence of ethnic traditions of science and spirituality but the cognitive value of speculative visions of the world formulated from a postcolonial or minority perspective. Fantasy, horror, science fiction, and non-mimetic genres, by contrast, emerge as strands of the subversive and diverse fictional form that is both old and new, rooted in the past but distinctly modern, oriented to the future but not bounded by it.17 This form that addresses reality indirectly through patently fictional or non-mimetic devices Scholes calls fabulation. But the gadget story and the, comprise most of the field. Brian Attebery, Special Section, Extrapolation 50.1 (2009): 79. Nor is Atwoods assumption that science fiction must inevitably treat impossible things a tenable one. Writing Speculative Fiction: Creative and Critical Approaches It has not yet won much support among seasoned researchers. write about people, or write about gadgets. This seminal question, Waggoner asserts, created modern speculative fiction.20 As she defines it, speculative fiction is a broad category of modern literature that treats supernatural and/or nonexistent phenomena (such as the future) as a special class of objectively real things or events.21 After all, the idea that what is real must be perceptible or measurable is only an assumption. Or vice versa? Since then, we have had many successes. If Merrils and Scholess works exemplify a reflection on speculative fiction that emerged in the science fiction field, claims about speculative fiction were also articulated by fantasy scholars. 1. Changing the world one scribble at a time. Write a Speculative Fiction | Tips and Tricks -, Self 3. 10. The impossible can take many forms, but some common examples include time travel, parallel universes, aliens, and magical powers. Magic realism. Portfolio What is speculative fiction examples? | Giant Bookshelf 3, in The Weird Tale: Arthur Machen, Lord Dunsany, Algernon Blackwood, M.R. Writing Speculative Fiction | Barnard English Two early studies, especially, merit attention: Diana Waggoners The Hills of Faraway: A Guide to Fantasy (1978), and Kathryn Humes Fantasy and Mimesis (1984). Speculative fiction is a broad category of fiction encompassing genres with certain elements that are nonexistent in terms of reality, recorded history, or nature and the present universe, covering various themes in the context of the supernatural, futuristic, and many other imaginative topics. What is Speculative Fiction? - Writing.Com
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