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Task management service for asynchronous task execution. Tools for managing, processing, and transforming biomedical data. Private Git repository to store, manage, and track code. Serverless application platform for apps and back ends. Options for running SQL Server virtual machines on Google Cloud. For the long-range (10 to 14 Day) weather outlook, see below. Migrate and manage enterprise data with security, reliability, high availability, and fully managed data services. Custom and pre-trained models to detect emotion, text, and more. Processes and resources for implementing DevOps in your org. Policy } and what level of access they have. Accelerate development of AI for medical imaging by making imaging data accessible, interoperable, and useful. Unified platform for IT admins to manage user devices and apps. 503), Mobile app infrastructure being decommissioned, 2022 Moderator Election Q&A Question Collection. Digital supply chain solutions built in the cloud. How Google is helping healthcare meet extraordinary challenges. assign IAM equivalents to the bucket. If we have a state lock terraform destroy will not be able to deploy with out access to the state lock. Read our latest product news and stories. from such ownership is revoked, and requests for bucket and object Is this meat that I was told was brisket in Barcelona the same as U.S. brisket? Unified platform for training, running, and managing ML models. a10_server Manage A10 Networks AX/SoftAX/Thunder/vThunder devices server object, a10_server_axapi3 Manage A10 Networks AX/SoftAX/Thunder/vThunder devices, a10_service_group Manage A10 Networks AX/SoftAX/Thunder/vThunder devices service groups, a10_virtual_server Manage A10 Networks AX/SoftAX/Thunder/vThunder devices virtual servers, aci_aaa_user Manage AAA users (aaa:User), aci_aaa_user_certificate Manage AAA user certificates (aaa:UserCert), aci_access_port_block_to_access_port Manage port blocks of Fabric interface policy leaf profile interface selectors (infra:HPortS, infra:PortBlk), aci_access_port_to_interface_policy_leaf_profile Manage Fabric interface policy leaf profile interface selectors (infra:HPortS, infra:RsAccBaseGrp, infra:PortBlk), aci_access_sub_port_block_to_access_port Manage sub port blocks of Fabric interface policy leaf profile interface selectors (infra:HPortS, infra:SubPortBlk), aci_aep Manage attachable Access Entity Profile (AEP) objects (infra:AttEntityP, infra:ProvAcc), aci_aep_to_domain Bind AEPs to Physical or Virtual Domains (infra:RsDomP), aci_ap Manage top level Application Profile (AP) objects (fv:Ap), aci_bd Manage Bridge Domains (BD) objects (fv:BD), aci_bd_subnet Manage Subnets (fv:Subnet), aci_bd_to_l3out Bind Bridge Domain to L3 Out (fv:RsBDToOut), aci_config_rollback Provides rollback and rollback preview functionality (config:ImportP), aci_config_snapshot Manage Config Snapshots (config:Snapshot, config:ExportP), aci_contract Manage contract resources (vz:BrCP), aci_contract_subject Manage initial Contract Subjects (vz:Subj), aci_contract_subject_to_filter Bind Contract Subjects to Filters (vz:RsSubjFiltAtt), aci_domain Manage physical, virtual, bridged, routed or FC domain profiles (phys:DomP, vmm:DomP, l2ext:DomP, l3ext:DomP, fc:DomP), aci_domain_to_encap_pool Bind Domain to Encap Pools (infra:RsVlanNs), aci_domain_to_vlan_pool Bind Domain to VLAN Pools (infra:RsVlanNs), aci_encap_pool Manage encap pools (fvns:VlanInstP, fvns:VxlanInstP, fvns:VsanInstP), aci_encap_pool_range Manage encap ranges assigned to pools (fvns:EncapBlk, fvns:VsanEncapBlk), aci_epg Manage End Point Groups (EPG) objects (fv:AEPg), aci_epg_monitoring_policy Manage monitoring policies (mon:EPGPol), aci_epg_to_contract Bind EPGs to Contracts (fv:RsCons, fv:RsProv), aci_epg_to_domain Bind EPGs to Domains (fv:RsDomAtt), aci_fabric_node Manage Fabric Node Members (fabric:NodeIdentP), aci_fabric_scheduler This modules creates ACI schedulers, aci_filter Manages top level filter objects (vz:Filter), aci_filter_entry Manage filter entries (vz:Entry), aci_firmware_group This module creates a firmware group, aci_firmware_group_node This modules adds and remove nodes from the firmware group, aci_firmware_policy This creates a firmware policy, aci_firmware_source Manage firmware image sources (firmware:OSource), aci_interface_policy_cdp Manage CDP interface policies (cdp:IfPol), aci_interface_policy_fc Manage Fibre Channel interface policies (fc:IfPol), aci_interface_policy_l2 Manage Layer 2 interface policies (l2:IfPol), aci_interface_policy_leaf_policy_group Manage fabric interface policy leaf policy groups (infra:AccBndlGrp, infra:AccPortGrp), aci_interface_policy_leaf_profile Manage fabric interface policy leaf profiles (infra:AccPortP), aci_interface_policy_lldp Manage LLDP interface policies (lldp:IfPol), aci_interface_policy_mcp Manage MCP interface policies (mcp:IfPol), aci_interface_policy_ospf Manage OSPF interface policies (ospf:IfPol), aci_interface_policy_port_channel Manage port channel interface policies (lacp:LagPol), aci_interface_policy_port_security Manage port security (l2:PortSecurityPol), aci_interface_selector_to_switch_policy_leaf_profile Bind interface selector profiles to switch policy leaf profiles (infra:RsAccPortP), aci_l3out Manage Layer 3 Outside (L3Out) objects (l3ext:Out), aci_l3out_extepg Manage External Network Instance Profile (ExtEpg) objects (l3extInstP:instP), aci_l3out_extsubnet Manage External Subnet objects (l3extSubnet:extsubnet), aci_l3out_route_tag_policy Manage route tag policies (l3ext:RouteTagPol), aci_maintenance_group This creates an ACI maintenance group, aci_maintenance_group_node Manage maintenance group nodes, aci_maintenance_policy Manage firmware maintenance policies, aci_rest Direct access to the Cisco APIC REST API, aci_static_binding_to_epg Bind static paths to EPGs (fv:RsPathAtt), aci_switch_leaf_selector Bind leaf selectors to switch policy leaf profiles (infra:LeafS, infra:NodeBlk, infra:RsAccNodePGrep), aci_switch_policy_leaf_profile Manage switch policy leaf profiles (infra:NodeP), aci_switch_policy_vpc_protection_group Manage switch policy explicit vPC protection groups (fabric:ExplicitGEp, fabric:NodePEp), aci_taboo_contract Manage taboo contracts (vz:BrCP), aci_tenant_action_rule_profile Manage action rule profiles (rtctrl:AttrP), aci_tenant_ep_retention_policy Manage End Point (EP) retention protocol policies (fv:EpRetPol), aci_tenant_span_dst_group Manage SPAN destination groups (span:DestGrp), aci_tenant_span_src_group Manage SPAN source groups (span:SrcGrp), aci_tenant_span_src_group_to_dst_group Bind SPAN source groups to destination groups (span:SpanLbl), aci_vlan_pool Manage VLAN pools (fvns:VlanInstP), aci_vlan_pool_encap_block Manage encap blocks assigned to VLAN pools (fvns:EncapBlk), aci_vmm_credential Manage virtual domain credential profiles (vmm:UsrAccP), aci_vrf Manage contexts or VRFs (fv:Ctx), acl Set and retrieve file ACL information, acme_account Create, modify or delete ACME accounts, acme_account_info Retrieves information on ACME accounts, acme_certificate Create SSL/TLS certificates with the ACME protocol, acme_certificate_revoke Revoke certificates with the ACME protocol, acme_challenge_cert_helper Prepare certificates required for ACME challenges such as tls-alpn-01, acme_inspect Send direct requests to an ACME server, add_host Add a host (and alternatively a group) to the ansible-playbook in-memory inventory, aerospike_migrations Check or wait for migrations between nodes, airbrake_deployment Notify airbrake about app deployments, aireos_command Run commands on remote devices running Cisco WLC, aireos_config Manage Cisco WLC configurations, aix_filesystem Configure LVM and NFS file systems for AIX, aix_lvg Manage LVM volume groups on AIX, aix_lvol Configure AIX LVM logical volumes, ali_instance Create, Start, Stop, Restart or Terminate an Instance in ECS. Solutions for building a more prosperous and sustainable business. recursive ("**") wildcard, like: or, for a flat listing of a subdirectory: If you want to see only the subdirectory itself, use the -d option: If you specify the -l option, gsutil outputs additional information about Ask questions, find answers, and connect. and objects: IAM and Access Control Lists (ACLs). Put your data to work with Data Science on Google Cloud. Package manager for build artifacts and dependencies. under the project you specify with the -p flag): If you specify one or more provider URLs, gsutil ls lists buckets at each Open source tool to provision Google Cloud resources with declarative configuration files. Innovate, optimize and amplify your SaaS applications using Google's data and machine learning solutions such as BigQuery, Looker, Spanner and Vertex AI. Universal package manager for build artifacts and dependencies. Reduce cost, increase operational agility, and capture new market opportunities. Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. Once installed, you will need to create a configuration file that can be placed in the /pipeline/ directory of your Logstash installation. Open source tool to provision Google Cloud resources with declarative configuration files. Single interface for the entire Data Science workflow. Cloud-native document database for building rich mobile, web, and IoT apps. that makes it publicly readable, then that specific object is exposed to the memset_dns_reload Request reload of Memsets DNS infrastructure, memset_memstore_info Retrieve Memstore product usage information, memset_server_info Retrieve server information, memset_zone Creates and deletes Memset DNS zones, memset_zone_domain Create and delete domains in Memset DNS zones, memset_zone_record Create and delete records in Memset DNS zones, meraki_admin Manage administrators in the Meraki cloud, meraki_config_template Manage configuration templates in the Meraki cloud, meraki_content_filtering Edit Meraki MX content filtering policies, meraki_device Manage devices in the Meraki cloud, meraki_firewalled_services Edit firewall policies for administrative network services, meraki_malware Manage Malware Protection in the Meraki cloud, meraki_mr_l3_firewall Manage MR access point layer 3 firewalls in the Meraki cloud, meraki_mx_l3_firewall Manage MX appliance layer 3 firewalls in the Meraki cloud, meraki_mx_l7_firewall Manage MX appliance layer 7 firewalls in the Meraki cloud, meraki_nat Manage NAT rules in Meraki cloud, meraki_network Manage networks in the Meraki cloud, meraki_organization Manage organizations in the Meraki cloud, meraki_snmp Manage organizations in the Meraki cloud, meraki_ssid Manage wireless SSIDs in the Meraki cloud, meraki_static_route Manage static routes in the Meraki cloud, meraki_switchport Manage switchports on a switch in the Meraki cloud, meraki_syslog Manage syslog server settings in the Meraki cloud, meraki_vlan Manage VLANs in the Meraki cloud, meraki_webhook Manage webhooks configured in the Meraki cloud, mksysb Generates AIX mksysb rootvg backups, mongodb_parameter Change an administrative parameter on a MongoDB server, mongodb_replicaset Initialises a MongoDB replicaset, mongodb_shard Add and remove shards from a MongoDB Cluster, mongodb_user Adds or removes a user from a MongoDB database, monit Manage the state of a program monitored via Monit, mount Control active and configured mount points, mqtt Publish a message on an MQTT topic for the IoT, mso_schema_site Manage sites in schemas, mso_schema_site_anp Manage site-local Application Network Profiles (ANPs) in schema template, mso_schema_site_anp_epg Manage site-local Endpoint Groups (EPGs) in schema template, mso_schema_site_anp_epg_domain Manage site-local EPG domains in schema template, mso_schema_site_anp_epg_staticleaf Manage site-local EPG static leafs in schema template, mso_schema_site_anp_epg_staticport Manage site-local EPG static ports in schema template, mso_schema_site_anp_epg_subnet Manage site-local EPG subnets in schema template, mso_schema_site_bd Manage site-local Bridge Domains (BDs) in schema template, mso_schema_site_bd_l3out Manage site-local BD l3outs in schema template, mso_schema_site_bd_subnet Manage site-local BD subnets in schema template, mso_schema_site_vrf Manage site-local VRFs in schema template, mso_schema_site_vrf_region Manage site-local VRF regions in schema template, mso_schema_site_vrf_region_cidr Manage site-local VRF region CIDRs in schema template, mso_schema_site_vrf_region_cidr_subnet Manage site-local VRF regions in schema template, mso_schema_template Manage templates in schemas, mso_schema_template_anp Manage Application Network Profiles (ANPs) in schema templates, mso_schema_template_anp_epg Manage Endpoint Groups (EPGs) in schema templates, mso_schema_template_anp_epg_contract Manage EPG contracts in schema templates, mso_schema_template_anp_epg_subnet Manage EPG subnets in schema templates, mso_schema_template_bd Manage Bridge Domains (BDs) in schema templates, mso_schema_template_bd_subnet Manage BD subnets in schema templates, mso_schema_template_contract_filter Manage contract filters in schema templates, mso_schema_template_deploy Deploy schema templates to sites, mso_schema_template_externalepg Manage external EPGs in schema templates, mso_schema_template_filter_entry Manage filter entries in schema templates, mso_schema_template_l3out Manage l3outs in schema templates, mso_schema_template_vrf Manage VRFs in schema templates, mssql_db Add or remove MSSQL databases from a remote host, mysql_db Add or remove MySQL databases from a remote host, mysql_info Gather information about MySQL servers, mysql_replication Manage MySQL replication, mysql_user Adds or removes a user from a MySQL database, mysql_variables Manage MySQL global variables, na_cdot_aggregate Manage NetApp cDOT aggregates (D), na_cdot_license Manage NetApp cDOT protocol and feature licenses (D), na_cdot_lun Manage NetApp cDOT luns (D), na_cdot_user useradmin configuration and management (D), na_cdot_user_role useradmin configuration and management (D), na_cdot_volume Manage NetApp cDOT volumes (D), na_elementsw_access_group NetApp Element Software Manage Access Groups, na_elementsw_account NetApp Element Software Manage Accounts, na_elementsw_admin_users NetApp Element Software Manage Admin Users, na_elementsw_backup NetApp Element Software Create Backups, na_elementsw_check_connections NetApp Element Software Check connectivity to MVIP and SVIP, na_elementsw_cluster NetApp Element Software Create Cluster, na_elementsw_cluster_config Configure Element SW Cluster, na_elementsw_cluster_pair NetApp Element Software Manage Cluster Pair, na_elementsw_cluster_snmp Configure Element SW Cluster SNMP, na_elementsw_drive NetApp Element Software Manage Node Drives, na_elementsw_initiators Manage Element SW initiators, na_elementsw_ldap NetApp Element Software Manage ldap admin users, na_elementsw_network_interfaces NetApp Element Software Configure Node Network Interfaces, na_elementsw_node NetApp Element Software Node Operation, na_elementsw_snapshot NetApp Element Software Manage Snapshots, na_elementsw_snapshot_restore NetApp Element Software Restore Snapshot, na_elementsw_snapshot_schedule NetApp Element Software Snapshot Schedules, na_elementsw_vlan NetApp Element Software Manage VLAN, na_elementsw_volume NetApp Element Software Manage Volumes, na_elementsw_volume_clone NetApp Element Software Create Volume Clone, na_elementsw_volume_pair NetApp Element Software Volume Pair, na_ontap_aggregate NetApp ONTAP manage aggregates, na_ontap_autosupport NetApp ONTAP Autosupport, na_ontap_broadcast_domain NetApp ONTAP manage broadcast domains, na_ontap_broadcast_domain_ports NetApp ONTAP manage broadcast domain ports, na_ontap_cg_snapshot NetApp ONTAP manage consistency group snapshot, na_ontap_cifs NetApp ONTAP Manage cifs-share, na_ontap_cifs_acl NetApp ONTAP manage cifs-share-access-control, na_ontap_cifs_server NetApp ONTAP CIFS server configuration, na_ontap_cluster NetApp ONTAP cluster - create, join, add license, na_ontap_cluster_ha NetApp ONTAP Manage HA status for cluster, na_ontap_cluster_peer NetApp ONTAP Manage Cluster peering, na_ontap_command NetApp ONTAP Run any cli command, the username provided needs to have console login permission, na_ontap_disks NetApp ONTAP Assign disks to nodes, na_ontap_dns NetApp ONTAP Create, delete, modify DNS servers, na_ontap_export_policy NetApp ONTAP manage export-policy, na_ontap_export_policy_rule NetApp ONTAP manage export policy rules, na_ontap_fcp NetApp ONTAP Start, Stop and Enable FCP services, na_ontap_firewall_policy NetApp ONTAP Manage a firewall policy, na_ontap_firmware_upgrade NetApp ONTAP firmware upgrade for SP, shelf, ACP, and disk, na_ontap_flexcache NetApp ONTAP FlexCache - create/delete relationship, na_ontap_gather_facts NetApp information gatherer (D), na_ontap_igroup NetApp ONTAP iSCSI or FC igroup configuration, na_ontap_igroup_initiator NetApp ONTAP igroup initiator configuration, na_ontap_info NetApp information gatherer, na_ontap_interface NetApp ONTAP LIF configuration, na_ontap_ipspace NetApp ONTAP Manage an ipspace, na_ontap_iscsi NetApp ONTAP manage iSCSI service, na_ontap_job_schedule NetApp ONTAP Job Schedule, na_ontap_kerberos_realm NetApp ONTAP vserver nfs kerberos realm, na_ontap_ldap_client NetApp ONTAP LDAP client, na_ontap_license NetApp ONTAP protocol and feature licenses, na_ontap_lun_copy NetApp ONTAP copy LUNs, na_ontap_ndmp NetApp ONTAP NDMP services configuration, na_ontap_net_ifgrp NetApp Ontap modify network interface group, na_ontap_net_port NetApp ONTAP network ports, na_ontap_net_routes NetApp ONTAP network routes, na_ontap_net_subnet NetApp ONTAP Create, delete, modify network subnets, na_ontap_net_vlan NetApp ONTAP network VLAN, na_ontap_node NetApp ONTAP Rename a node, na_ontap_nvme NetApp ONTAP Manage NVMe Service, na_ontap_nvme_namespace NetApp ONTAP Manage NVME Namespace, na_ontap_nvme_subsystem NetApp ONTAP Manage NVME Subsystem, na_ontap_object_store NetApp ONTAP manage object store config, na_ontap_ports NetApp ONTAP add/remove ports, na_ontap_portset NetApp ONTAP Create/Delete portset, na_ontap_qos_adaptive_policy_group NetApp ONTAP Adaptive Quality of Service policy group, na_ontap_qos_policy_group NetApp ONTAP manage policy group in Quality of Service, na_ontap_qtree NetApp ONTAP manage qtrees, na_ontap_security_key_manager NetApp ONTAP security key manager, na_ontap_service_processor_network NetApp ONTAP service processor network, na_ontap_snapmirror NetApp ONTAP or ElementSW Manage SnapMirror, na_ontap_snapshot NetApp ONTAP manage Snapshots, na_ontap_snapshot_policy NetApp ONTAP manage Snapshot Policy, na_ontap_snmp NetApp ONTAP SNMP community, na_ontap_software_update NetApp ONTAP Update Software, na_ontap_svm_options NetApp ONTAP Modify SVM Options, na_ontap_ucadapter NetApp ONTAP UC adapter configuration, na_ontap_unix_group NetApp ONTAP UNIX Group, na_ontap_unix_user NetApp ONTAP UNIX users, na_ontap_user NetApp ONTAP user configuration and management, na_ontap_user_role NetApp ONTAP user role configuration and management, na_ontap_volume NetApp ONTAP manage volumes, na_ontap_volume_autosize NetApp ONTAP manage volume autosize, na_ontap_volume_clone NetApp ONTAP manage volume clones, na_ontap_vscan NetApp ONTAP Vscan enable/disable, na_ontap_vscan_on_access_policy NetApp ONTAP Vscan on access policy configuration, na_ontap_vscan_on_demand_task NetApp ONTAP Vscan on demand task configuration, na_ontap_vscan_scanner_pool NetApp ONTAP Vscan Scanner Pools Configuration, na_ontap_vserver_cifs_security NetApp ONTAP vserver CIFS security modification, na_ontap_vserver_peer NetApp ONTAP Vserver peering, nagios Perform common tasks in Nagios related to downtime and notifications, nclu Configure network interfaces using NCLU, net_banner Manage multiline banners on network devices (D), net_get Copy a file from a network device to Ansible Controller, net_interface Manage Interface on network devices (D), net_l2_interface Manage Layer-2 interface on network devices (D), net_l3_interface Manage L3 interfaces on network devices (D), net_linkagg Manage link aggregation groups on network devices (D), net_lldp Manage LLDP service configuration on network devices (D), net_lldp_interface Manage LLDP interfaces configuration on network devices (D), net_logging Manage logging on network devices (D), net_ping Tests reachability using ping from a network device, net_put Copy a file from Ansible Controller to a network device, net_static_route Manage static IP routes on network appliances (routers, switches et. You can add these below files in the above location. aws_s3_bucket_info Lists S3 buckets in AWS. Handling unprepared students as a Teaching Assistant. how to view and remove conditions from a bucket's policy, see Save and categorize content based on your preferences. all Cloud Storage resources. IAM also allows you to use features that are not available when Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Managed and secure development environments in the cloud. Build on the same infrastructure as Google. Explore benefits of working with a partner. Encrypt data in use with Confidential VMs. When a zone is created you can configure policies for the zone instead of individual interfaces in the zone in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_user_adgrp Configure FSSO groups in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_user_device Configure devices in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_user_device_access_list Configure device access control lists in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_user_device_category Configure device categories in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_user_device_group Configure device groups in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_user_domain_controller Configure domain controller entries in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_user_fortitoken Configure FortiToken in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_user_fsso Configure Fortinet Single Sign On (FSSO) agents in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_user_fsso_polling Configure FSSO active directory servers for polling mode in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_user_group Configure user groups in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_user_krb_keytab Configure Kerberos keytab entries in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_user_ldap Configure LDAP server entries in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_user_local Configure local users in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_user_password_policy Configure user password policy in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_user_peer Configure peer users in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_user_peergrp Configure peer groups in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_user_pop3 POP3 server entry configuration in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_user_quarantine Configure quarantine support in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_user_radius Configure RADIUS server entries in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_user_security_exempt_list Configure security exemption list in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_user_setting Configure user authentication setting in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_user_tacacsplus Configure TACACS+ server entries in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_voip_profile Configure VoIP profiles in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_vpn_certificate_ca CA certificate in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_vpn_certificate_crl Certificate Revocation List as a PEM file in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_vpn_certificate_local Local keys and certificates in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_vpn_certificate_ocsp_server OCSP server configuration in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_vpn_certificate_remote Remote certificate as a PEM file in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_vpn_certificate_setting VPN certificate setting in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_vpn_ipsec_concentrator Concentrator configuration in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_vpn_ipsec_forticlient Configure FortiClient policy realm in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_vpn_ipsec_manualkey Configure IPsec manual keys in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_vpn_ipsec_manualkey_interface Configure IPsec manual keys in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_vpn_ipsec_phase1 Configure VPN remote gateway in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_vpn_ipsec_phase1_interface Configure VPN remote gateway in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_vpn_ipsec_phase2 Configure VPN autokey tunnel in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_vpn_ipsec_phase2_interface Configure VPN autokey tunnel in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_vpn_l2tp Configure L2TP in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_vpn_pptp Configure PPTP in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_vpn_ssl_settings Configure SSL VPN in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_vpn_ssl_web_host_check_software SSL-VPN host check software in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_vpn_ssl_web_portal Portal in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_vpn_ssl_web_realm Realm in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_vpn_ssl_web_user_bookmark Configure SSL VPN user bookmark in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_vpn_ssl_web_user_group_bookmark Configure SSL VPN user group bookmark in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_waf_main_class Hidden table for datasource in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_waf_profile Web application firewall configuration in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_waf_signature Hidden table for datasource in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_waf_sub_class Hidden table for datasource in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wanopt_auth_group Configure WAN optimization authentication groups in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wanopt_cache_service Designate cache-service for wan-optimization and webcache in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wanopt_content_delivery_network_rule Configure WAN optimization content delivery network rules in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wanopt_peer Configure WAN optimization peers in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wanopt_profile Configure WAN optimization profiles in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wanopt_remote_storage Configure a remote cache device as Web cache storage in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wanopt_settings Configure WAN optimization settings in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_wanopt_webcache Configure global Web cache settings in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_web_proxy_debug_url Configure debug URL addresses in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_web_proxy_explicit Configure explicit Web proxy settings in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_web_proxy_forward_server Configure forward-server addresses in Fortinets FortiOS and FortiGate, fortios_web_proxy_forward_server_group Configure a forward server group consisting or multiple forward servers.
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