Fr 2016 wurden zehn Millionen Passagiere weniger als geplant erwartet. Turkish Airlines; IATA TK: ICAO THY: Callsign TURKISH: Airline Full Name: Trk Hava Yollari A.O. Turkish Airlines | Flying to the Most Countries 1969 erhielt Turkish Cargo den ersten Frachter, eine FairchildF-27. Outbound direct flight with Wizz Air UK departs from London Gatwick on Tue, 10 Jan, arriving in Larnaca. If the vent was not plugged, the fuselage would not retain pressure, eliminating any pneumatic force on the hatch. After the crash of Flight 981, the latching system was completely redesigned to prevent them from moving into the wrong position. Dalaman. Il logo usato fino al 2019 La sede di Turkish Airlines. Antalya Airport (IATA: AYT, ICAO: LTAI) (Turkish: Antalya Havaliman) is an international airport located 13 km (8.1 mi) northeast of the city center of Antalya, Turkey.It is a major destination during the European summer leisure season due to its location at the country's Mediterranean coast. You can fly non-stop to Bodrum with easyJet or Turkish Airlines (Star Alliance). Turkish Airlines | Flying to the Most Countries Turkuaz Airlines Franais. Why not explore our Visit Glasgow guide to find out more about the city. Die Passagierzahlen im Inlandverkehr sanken in den ersten neun Monaten lediglich um 24% und konnten im September 2020 sogar gegenber dem Vorjahr um 0,7% erhht werden. Nel capitale sociale entr, con una quota del sei percento, anche la British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC), che forn anche un supporto tecnico. En juin 2006, 16 pilotes cadets sont forms. Internet Marketing forms the major component of Digital Marketing and OpenSpace has the much needed expertise in providing solutions to the clients. De los 54 aviones que tena en 2003, a los ms de 330 aviones que componen la flota de Turkish Airlines en la actualidad. Heute ist sie eine der fhrenden Anbieterinnen fr MRO-Dienstleistungen in Vorderasien. Turkish Cargo profitiert zudem vom starken Netz der Turkish Airlines. La societ registr un profitto di 6 milioni di dollari su un fatturato annuo di un miliardo. [111], Turkish Airlines Corporate Club is a kind of programme created for corporates. Turkish Airlines (Star Alliance) serves 49 domestic destinations and 252 international destinations in 122 countries, as of November 2022. [140], Prior to the start of the 202223 season, Turkish Airlines becomes the official global sponsors of the UEFA Champions League and the Super Cup, UEFA Youth League and the Futsal Champions League for the remainder of the 202124 cycle after UEFA agreed to sponsor in the next 2 seasons. THY built a new, state-of-the-art technical center at Yeilky Airport in 1984. En 2008, la filiale AnadoluJet a t fonde et, la mme anne, Turkish Airlines devient la 7eplus grande compagnie arienne d'Europe. Mexicana Die Sitze lassen sich in flache, 193 cm lange Liegeflchen umwandeln. Through either oversight or deliberate fraud, the manufacturer construction logs showed that this work had been carried out. [113], Turkish Airlines has been the official carrier of several European football clubs such as Galatasaray, Manchester United,[115] FC Barcelona,[116] Borussia Dortmund,[117][118] Olympique de Marseille,[119] Aston Villa,[120] FK Sarajevo,[121] and Hannover 96. Doch der Einbruch der Passagierzahlen in den vorherigen drei Monaten hatte zahlreiche Auswirkungen auf das Unternehmen. [26], Im August 2016 gab Turkish Airlines fr das zweite Quartal einen Verlust von 198Mio. Turkish Airlines flies to 52 domestic and 270 international destinations in 125 countries, excluding those only served by Turkish Airlines Cargo. Y por ltimo en 2012, fue el turno de Lionel Messi, quien ejerce a da de hoy como Embajador global de la aerolnea turca. Un altro programma di espansione della flotta iniziato nel 2004, consentendo a THY di mantenere una delle flotte pi giovani in Europa. Turkish Airlines continued to extend their international reach, forging marketing agreements with Asiana Airlines, American Airlines, Malaysia Airlines, LOT Polish Airlines, Czech Airlines and Cathay Pacific in 2000. De este modo, la flota de Turkish Airlines superar las 425 unidades, incluyendo aviones de mercanca, y para 2020 habr reducido la edad media de sus aeronaves a 5 aos, reduciendo los 7 de la actualidad. Il centro dava lavoro a 2.700 persone, con la previsione di assumerne altre duemila entro il 2010. Diese Business Class befindet sich in den Boeing 737 und Airbus A320. L'accident est d un dfaut de conception de la part de McDonnell Douglas concernant le systme de verrouillage des portes de soute du DC-10. Buy a flight ticket, make hotel reservation and rent a car. Der erste Auslandsflug erfolgte 1947 von Ankara ber Istanbul nach Athen. Turkish Airlines wurde am 20. In der Schweiz fliegt Turkish Airlines nach Basel, Genf und Zrich. 31.03.2021-AnadoluJet International Flight Plan to/from Antalya, Bodrum and Dalaman AnadoluJet, successful brand of our Incorporation, planned to increase its international flights in the summer of 2021 with its new strategy to contribute to the tourism of the country. [7][8][9] The airline serves more destinations non-stop from a single airport than any other airline in the world[10] and flies to 126 countries, more than any other airline. Turkish Airlines ist zudem die Fluggesellschaft, die mit 52nationalen und 267internationalen Zielen die meisten Ziele weltweit anfliegt. Turkish Airlines ha continuato ad estendere la sua portata internazionale, siglando accordi di marketing con Asiana Airlines, American Airlines, Malaysian Airlines, Polskie Linie Lotnicze LOT, Czech Airlines, e Cathay Pacific Airlines. In sterreich sind Graz, Salzburg und Wien Ziele. Southwind Airlines Vorjahr). Im selben Jahr unterzeichneten Pratt & Whitney und Turkish Airlines Technic ein Abkommen fr den Bau eines groen Wartungzentrums am Flughafen Istanbul-Sabiha Gken, das das achte Wartungszentrum von P&W weltweit wurde. At Turkish Airlines, we know that a plane ticket is not just a ticket. ist die teilstaatliche Fluggesellschaft der Trkei mit Sitz in Istanbul und Basis auf dem Flughafen Istanbul. A ottobre 2022 la flotta di Turkish Airlines risulta composta dai seguenti aerei[22]: Il 14 ottobre 2008, Turkish Airlines ha lanciato una delle pi grandi gare del mondo per l'acquisto di aeromobili commerciali. [99] Three Boeing 777-300s were leased in 2008,[100] and later ordered 12 more from Boeing. Turkish Airlines Turkish Airlines Antalya Airport En 2009, les bnfices nets de Turkish Airlines slvent 280 millions deuros (en baisse de 51% par rapport 2008), alors que les bnfices dexploitation slvent 416 millions deuros. [6] Entre estos pilotos extranjeros, hay ocho mujeres.[3]. A route to New York City via Brussels was added in 1988. The company teamed with Japan Airlines to offer service to Osaka and Tokyo in 1997 and 1998. O.) En dcembre 2021, les appareils suivants sont en service au sein de la flotte de Turkish Airlines (filiales exclues)[29]. [15], Turkish Airlines was established on 20 May 1933 as Turkish State Airlines (Turkish: Devlet Hava Yollar)[16] as a department of the Ministry of National Defense. Zwischen 1958 und 1961 wurden Vickers Viscount, Fokker F-27 und Fairchild F-27 gekauft. [9]:4 Some passengers cancelled their tickets because of delays or a lack of seats. La croissance du trafic de la plate-forme de correspondance de l'aroport Atatrk d'Istanbul Istanbul et les perspectives de dveloppement qui laccompagnent, orientent les choix de la compagnie vers des appareils long-courriers trs long rayon daction. Nel 1935 entr a far parte del Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici; nel 1938 fu trasferita al Ministero dei Trasporti e ribattezzata Direzione Generale delle linee aeree dello Stato. Buy a flight ticket, make hotel reservation and rent a car. AtlasGlobal London Gatwick (LWG) is 45 km away from the city center, and there are god train and bus services running between the two. Greenair Travel Durante sus casi 80 aos de historia, Turkish Airlines ha tenido tres accidentes en sus vuelos internacionales, y 18 en sus vuelos de cabotaje. Flights to Larnaca In the movie, a pivotal scene unfolds aboard a Turkish Airlines A330. THY entered into marketing agreements with other international airlines to enhance their competitiveness. [14] The memo was written after American Airlines Flight 96, being operated by another DC-10, experienced a rear cargo door failure similar to the one that occurred on Flight 981, also causing an explosive decompression. Aprs avoir cr les compagnies filles Cyprus Turkish Airlines (1974-2010) et Boazii Hava Tamacl(en) (1987-1987), la compagnie turque a sign en 1998, un accord avec certaines compagnies ariennes europennes parmi les plus grandes pour crer l'alliance Qualiflyer Group. Il capitale sociale fu ripetutamente innalzato fino a raggiungere i 10.000 miliardi di TRL nel 1995. Offers - SunExpress [105][106], Miles & Smiles is the frequent-flyer programme of Turkish Airlines, inaugurated in 2000 after the airline left Qualiflyer. Im Juli 2018 waren die Vorbereitungen so weit vorangeschritten, dass Turkish Airlines einen ihrer Airbus A319 an die Air Albania verleaste. This possibility of catastrophic failure as a result of this overall design was first discovered in 1969 and actually occurred in 1970 in a ground test, both of which McDonnell-Douglas knew about. Three years later, in 1938, it became part of the Ministry of Transportation. Near Image Gardens, Hitech City Madhapur. Vclav Havel Airport Prague (Czech: Letit Vclava Havla Praha), formerly Prague Ruzyn International Airport (Czech: Mezinrodn letit Praha-Ruzyn, Czech pronunciation: [praa ruz]) (IATA: PRG, ICAO: LKPR), is the international airport of Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic.The airport was founded in 1937, when it replaced the Kbely Airport (founded in 1918). En los ltimos aos Turkish Airlines ha modernizado su flota que tiene una media de 6,8 aos (septiembre de 2019). [148], Turkish Technic was based at Istanbul Atatrk Airport within two hangars. Die Indexberechnung bercksichtigt neben umwelt- und unternehmensspezifischen Faktoren wie dem Alter der Flotte die Anzahl der schweren Zwischenflle der letzten 30 Jahre im Verhltnis zu den Passagierzahlen. The crash occurred when an incorrectly secured cargo door at the rear of the plane burst open and broke off, causing an explosive decompression that severed critical cables necessary to control the aircraft. April 2019. The airline joined the International Air Transport Association (IATA) shortly thereafter. Turkish Aylan Inc. (en turco, Trk Hava Yollar Anonim Ortakl, THY) es la aerolnea nacional de Turqua con base en Estambul. [47][48] Im Vergleich ist Turkish Airlines jedoch gut aufgestellt und nach Ryanair die Fluggesellschaft mit den durchschnittlich zweitmeisten Flgen pro Tag seit Juni 2020. Turkish Cargo possde dix Airbus A330-200F et six Boeing 777F. Aprs une mgacommande de 117 appareils auprs d'Airbus, Turkish Airlines a annonc l'achat de 95 avions (6,9 milliards de dollars) Boeing d'ici 2021, dont 70 font l'objet d'une commande ferme tandis que le reste est constitu d'options[19]. Le premier ministre turc de l'poque, Recep Tayyip Erdoan, de passage Berlin pour promouvoir l'entre de son pays dans l'Union europenne, signe dans le mme temps un contrat pour l'achat de 36 Airbus: cinq Airbus 330-200, 12 Airbus 321-200 et 19 Airbus 320-200. Seventy-seven seconds after the cargo door gave way, the plane crashed into the trees of Ermenonville Forest, a state-owned forest at Dammartin's Grove (French: Bosquet de Dammartin) in the commune of Fontaine-Chaalis, Oise. Dans le mme temps, la Turquie traverse une grande crise financire: malgr cela, la Turkish Airlines fait 8 millions de livres turques de bnfices et transporte plus de dix millions de passagers. Visitas a Estambul. Turkish Airlines | Flying to the Most Countries In spite of this warning, nothing was done to correct the flaw. THY also had three flight simulators and offered flight training services. In July that year, the airline announced a massive $2.8 billion order of 36 jets from Airbus, plus an order for 15 Boeing 737s. In fact, most of the DC-10's cabin floor had vents like these, only the rear section of the aircraft lacked them. Turkish Airlines and Atlas Global are among the airlines offering direct business class flights from the UK to Istanbul. Insbesondere Turkish Airlines begann viele neue Charterflge anzubieten. Turkish Airlines Anfangs Februar 2020 spitzte sich international die Situation stark zu, weswegen das Ministerium fr Gesundheit die Auflagen nochmals verschrfte. [86] Im Mrz 2018 wurden jeweils 25 Airbus A350-900 (+5Optionen) sowie Boeing 787-9 fest bestellt.[87]. Controllers also picked up a distorted transmission from the plane and the aircraft's pressurization and overspeed warnings were heard over the pilots' words in Turkish, including the co-pilot saying, "the fuselage has burst!" Turkish airlines Other jointly operated flights soon followed with Austrian Airlines, Swissair, and Croatia Airlines.[20]. Diese betreibt neun Hangars in der Trkei, sowie den HABOM-Komplex am Flughafen Istanbul Sabiha-Gken. [36][37], Der Umzug begann nach viermaliger Verschiebung am 5. Tuttavia, il turismo era in piena crescita, con 20 milioni di persone che hanno visitato il paese nel 2005 contro i 12 milioni nel 2003. Turkish Airlines erweiterte die Flotte um 26 neue Flugzeuge zwischen Juni und Dezember 2020. La flota de Turkish Airlines tiene una edad promedio de 7.6 aos y en agosto de 2022 consiste de las siguientes aeronaves: [9] [10] [11] [1] Turkish Airlines The aircraft, a DC-10 Series 10 (production designation Ship 29), was built in Long Beach, California, under the manufacturer's test registration N1337U,[5] and leased to Turkish Airlines as TC-JAV on 10 December 1972. La aerolnea es propiedad de la Administracin de Privatizacin del Estado turco (49%) y accionistas privados (51%). Turkish Airlines voit le jour le 20 mai 1933 Ankara sous le nom de Havayollar Devlet letme daresi (Administration d'tat des voies ariennes) (loi no2186). Information. Flight 981 was the deadliest plane crash in aviation history until 27 March 1977, when 583 people perished in the collision of two Boeing 747s in Tenerife. [11] Im selben Jahr wurden das Erscheinungsbild und das Servicekonzept erneuert: die Flugzeuge erhielten ein neues Farbschema mit einer Tulpe auf dem Seitenleitwerk. En 2005, la compagnie change l'aspect extrieur de ses avions. Turkish Airlines dessert 303 destinations dont 50 destinations domestiques et 253 internationales dans 108 pays. Turkish Airlines operava in precedenza con i seguenti aeromobili[22]: In 75 anni di storia, circa, Turkish Airlines stata protagonista di 21 incidenti: 3 in voli internazionali e 18 in voli interni. Bestes Business Class Lounge Dining. Los pasajeros tambin tienen acceso a diarios y revistas locales e internacionales, conexin a internet y puntos de recarga para los dispositivos elctricos. [7][8] The plane was one of a group of five DC-10-10s owned by Mitsui, which intended to sell the planes to All Nippon Airways; however, the Japanese airline selected the Lockheed L-1011 TriStar, due to bribery by Lockheed. The rotating movement of the torque shaft is brought about by an electric actuator, through a linkage that includes a crankshaft that ensures the "over-center" position of the whole system. El primer vuelo internacional fue efectuado en 1947 a Atenas y a este continuaron vuelos a Nicosia y Beirut en 1951. Le 17 fvrier 1959, crasement d'un Vickers Viscount Gatwick L'avion, qui avait dcoll de l'aroport d'Istanbul-Atatrk, tait en direction de l'aroport d'Antalya. Les premiers avions long-courriers de la compagnie, savoir des Airbus A340-300, ont t achets au milieu des annes 1990. English. [96][97][98], Im Juni 2018 gab Turkish Airlines bekannt, dass sie nicht mehr an den Skytrax-Awards teilnehmen werden. Turkish Airlines (Star Alliance) serves 49 domestic destinations and 252 international destinations in 122 countries, as of November 2022. Im Juni 2022 war sie mit knapp 1400 Flgen pro Monat die Fluggesellschaft die am meisten Flge anbot aus den Ausland (gefolgt von Uzbekistan Airways mit 420 Flgen pro Monat). Sa plate-forme de correspondance principale est situe sur l'aroport d'Istanbul avec lequel elle entretient de nombreux accords d'exploitation. [132] Im Fall von Turkish Airlines wurden 38 schwere Zwischenflle bei Passagierflgen verzeichnet. Trke. [102][103] The airline ordered 25 each of the Boeing 787-9 and Airbus A350-900 in March 2018,[104] which started delivery in 2019 and 2020 respectively. Con la colaboracin de Turkish Airlines Inc. y Do&Co, las comidas servidas a bordo se preparan siempre con productos frescos basados en el principio de la produccin nica y ajustada a los deseos de los pasajeros de business class. Turkish Airlines Baggage Fees It surpassed the 15 million passengers mark for the first time in December 2014. We provide ERP solutions to different types of Industries who are looking to streamline their business processes. Happy to work with such a nice team who understands and supports all the time., We really appreciate the team spirit and challenges which they accept all the time to deliver the expected product to the customer., We develop Solutions that are tailor made to user's, We develop the most modern web technologies for, Sometimes referred to as immersive multimedia, is a computer-simulated, We provide services in 3D Intreactive Animation. TACA Although the company was publicly traded at this time, the government-owned 98% of its shares. Il governo turco scese al 75% del capitale dopo l'offerta delle azioni che ha raccolto 170 milioni di dollari US. Sie erhielt eine neue Bemalung unter dem Namen Dolmabahce. En 2011, el embajador de Turkish Airlines fue la estrella de Los Angeles Lakers, Kobe Bryant. At Turkish Airlines, we know that a plane ticket is not just a ticket. It was flying approximately three million passengers a year to 16 domestic destinations and three dozen international ones. Al 2022 Turkish Airlines, opera in 340 aeroporti in 129 paesi (287 destinazioni internazionali e 53 nazionali), tutti raggiungibili attraverso l'hub Nuovo aeroporto di Istanbul, facendo s che la compagnia quella con il maggior numero di destinazioni servite da uno stesso aeroporto a livello mondiale.[17]. In die Lounge Miles&Smiles haben Miles&Smiles Passagiere mit dem Status Elite Plus, Elite oder Classic Plus am Flughafen Istanbul Zugang. Turkish Airlines tiene un centro de mantenimiento en el Aeropuerto Internacional Atatrk, (IST) en Estambul. la fin des annes 1990, la compagnie engage une politique de renouveau: elle signe ainsi un contrat avec Boeing pour l'achat de 49 modles 737-800 pour les trajets moyen-courriers. Online Check-in - SunExpress Ethiopian Airlines List of Turkish Airlines destinations Turkish Airlines tiene tambin mucho inters en el golf y por ello patrocina uno de los torneos amateur ms importantes y prestigiosos del mundo: la Turkish Airlines World Golf Cup. Turkish Technic abrir un nuevo centro de mantenimiento en SAW, Aeropuerto Internacional Sabiha Gken. Its time to start the next part of your journey. Sultan Air Weiter hat Turkish Airlines dutzende White-Tail-Flugzeuge bernommen, Flugzeuge, die fr russische Fluggesellschaften wie S7 Airlines oder Aeroflot gebaut, aber nicht ausgeliefert worden sind. Mrz 2014. [17], Nicosia, Beirut and Cairo were soon added to the airline's international flight destinations. Sind Sie noch auf der Suche nach dem passenden Flug fr Ihre nchste Reise? Zwischen 1950 und 1956 verlor Turkish Airlines (als Devlet Hava Yollari DHY) fnf Flugzeuge, wobei insgesamt 54 Menschen starben. Turkish Airlines es en la actualidad una compaa de 4 estrellas que sido reconocida por los importantes avances en la calidad del servicio. Turkish Airlines (trkisch Trk Hava Yollar A. [6] It was powered by three General Electric CF6-6D turbofan engines. Die ersten Flugziele waren Adana, Ankara, Antalya, Gaziantep, Hatay, Izmir und Trabzon im Inland und Amman, Agabat (Turkmenistan), Baku (Aserbaidschan), Frankfurt, Kuwait-Stadt, Lefkoa, London, Mnchen, Paris und Tiflis (Georgien) im Ausland. Der Aktienkurs von Turkish Airlines sank. A combination of crystal blue seas, tree covered mountains and warm sun, make this a perfect holiday destination. Von diesem Zeitpunkt an werden nur noch Bewertungen bercksichtigt, die auf der direkten Erfahrung der Passagiere basieren, sagte die Fluggesellschaft. Trk Hava Yollar'nn merkezi stanbul'dadr. Turkish Airlines Adems, Turkish Airlines rota semanalmente los mens servidos en todas las clases para asegurar la variedad de opciones de comida para viajeros frecuentes. Depuis 1933, Turkish Airlines a connu plusieurs accidents et incidents graves, dont voici une liste non exhaustive: Sur cette version linguistique de Wikipdia, les liens interlangues sont placs en haut droite du titre de larticle. Direct flights from London Gatwick (LGW Hub minore invece l'Aeroporto di Esenboa, Ankara. In 2021, Gatwick was the third-busiest airport by total passenger traffic in the UK, after Heathrow and Stansted airports, and was the 36th-busiest in Europe by total passenger Information. La compagnia aerea venne formata il 20 maggio 1933 come Amministrazione delle linee aeree dello Stato, da parte del ministero della Difesa. On 10 December 2015, Turkish Airlines and UEFA signed a sponsorship deal for the UEFA Euro 2016, becoming the first airline sponsor of UEFA European Championship tournaments. En 2009, c'est le continent europen qui, avec plus de 64%, est la destination internationale numro un de la compagnie; viennent ensuite le. Ab 1990 wurde der Auenauftritt der Marke von dem bislang an erster Stelle stehenden Trk Hava Yollari (THY) allmhlich auf Turkish Airlines umgestellt. London Gatwick (LWG) is 45 km away from the city center, and there are god train and bus services running between the two. Un nuovo volo per Bruxelles e New York venne aggiunto nel 1988. Turkey underwent an economic crisis throughout most of 2001, leading to a reduction in traffic on domestic routes in particular. Turkish Airlines Gatwick-Antalya direct flights (dailly) started today #antalya #gatwick #london. Ha sido pionera en introducir la figura del Chef Volador en sus vuelos intercontinentales. En 2014, Turkish Airlines a transport 54,7 millions de passagers (+ 13,3%). En juin 2013, Turkish Airlines devient la meilleure compagnie europenne pour la troisime fois de suite (2011, 2012, 2013)[20], le transporteur officiel de l'OM et de BVB Borussia Dortmund, et transporte 48,3 millions[21] de passagers sur 243 destinations. to Antalya Turkish Daily News credited the airline's survival to entrepreneurial management, which was quick to get rid of loss-making routes at home and abroad. Additionally, the handle moved a metal plug into a vent cut in the outer hatch panel. Booking | Turkish Airlines [26][27] Turkish Airlines ha gi annunciato ordini per 24 aerei a lungo raggio e 40 aerei a medio raggio, pi 25 opzioni per questi ultimi. Copa Airlines [135], On 14 September 2018, Turkish Airlines and Lega Basket Serie A,[136] the top-tier professional basketball league in Italy, signed a sponsorship agreement, making the airline an official partner for the 201819 LBA season. Turkish Airlines Januar 2011, als ein etwa 40-jhriger Mann versuchte, eine Boeing 737-800 auf dem Turkish Airlines Flug 1754 von. Im Jahr 1994 wurde die dritte A340 dazugekauft und die DouglasDC-9 ausgemustert. Am 1. [64][65][66] Von den 267 internationalen Zielen, liegen 52 auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent. Seit 2006 ist Turkish Airlines nach den Qualittsstandards OHSAS 18001:1999, ISO 9001:2000 und ISO 14001:2004 zertifiziert. Due to the shape of the latches and the over-center design, when the latches are in the correct position, internal pressure on the hatch not only produces insufficient torque to open the hatch, but it also makes the whole system safer because the over-center safety principle is increased. The first A340 was delivered three years later, in 1993.[22]. Other airlines offering business class flights on this route are Ukraine International, Aegean, Swiss, KLM, Emirates, Etihad and British Airways. We came to know the value when we were LIVE with our dream product. After heading one level down, it's the baggage claim area. [134], Air Anka [9]:6 An air traffic controller noted that, as the flight was cleared to FL230, he had briefly seen a second echo on his radar that remained stationary behind the aircraft; this was likely the remains of the rear cargo door.
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