He or she would be termed a First Citizen and would reign above the President. I'd rather have a preseident that has restrictions. Maybe, was I wrong! Wait, I thought I said there were no more male Romanovs? The King managed to rise to the occasion. He was decent. This investment would see the influence of the king grow considerably. Remember that time the French people got rid of their king (we just briefly mentioned it)? well america was started to get away from kings and queens. There are a number of reasons why this decision was made. There's a reason King Charles III wasn't singing along to the British national anthem at his mother Queen Elizabeth 's funeral Monday morning . Auslin seems to suggest that if another individual served to fulfill the ceremonial presidential duties the ribbon-cutting, the photo-ops, the baby-kissing then the President would have time to more effectively lead the nation. The fact is that the United States could well have been a kind of constitutional monarchy, with George Washington on the throne. The Biltmore House or Mara Lago could be our version of Buckingham Palace. When Queen Elizabeth II ascended to the throne in 1952, her husband, Prince Philip, was not given the title of king. The corporation was based in the District of Columbia, which is a law unto itself with its own government. In other words, the word queen can either mean "female monarch" or "the wife of a monarch," whereas king can only mean "monarch." It's a vestige of a historically patriarchal system . We must learn, in other words, the power in abandoning power. And more specifically an apparent meeting that took place in Greenwich, London in England in 1604. I could go on and on about all the terrible things Reagan did as President. Many of the territories in the south Americas, for example, were already under Spanish control. Queen Elizabeth II is immensely more liked than any political, TV or entertainment figure. And it remains so, through a group formed in the 17th century named The Virginia Company. For the answer, let us return to history. Why does America not have a king and queen? Now we dont have to have kings and queens for life. This was also the case with other parts of Europe. Both would immediately claim rights to the land they had discovered.[1]. Yet he could have done all thiswithout his disastrous economic and social policesif only he had been elected to be our King, instead of being elected to be our President. His popular Argentine born wife became Queen Maxima. The other would arrive at Cape Cod in 1620. This remains fully in place today and was arrived at through debt-financing. He simply favored and helped enact policies that were poisonous to America. According to the claims, the real purpose of the Act of 1871 was to create two separate entities. According to the claims, Bush would state if the American people knew what we had done, they would string us up from the lamp posts. In fact, the rich became so rich, they were able to afford to buy the Republican Party! How Could Anyone Vote for These Democrats? Prior to the 2020 election someone asked me if I thought Oprah should be President. And in that lies our current failure. Could America ever have a King? One: A True Democracy Is Impossible in a Large Country. It took a couple of hundred years, but many countries, including especially Great Britain, finally evolved having a royal figurehead, i.e., a king or queen who gets a nice home (palace) a good income, and plenty of royal attention but has no real political power. Instead, some people claim that such cases are operating under the same systems as when under British rule. Elected unanimously to serve as the first President of the United States. However, following the Act of 1871, bankers and private companies were able to operate out of the District of Columbia. He was truly presidential, saying all the right things, at the right time, in the right manner, and straight from the heart. position carried no real political power. You can always count on us whenever you need help with any word game clues and answers. Read More: And, of course, this runs through the Founding Fathers and their connections to The Crown in England. We would make the executive untouchable. Do we want to reward Washington with another reason to celebrate its perception of self-worth while getting nothing done? While there is considerable doubt as to what he actually meant, a quote usually attributed to George Bush Sr is intriguing. i personally think its a tourism thing. As the keeper of the nation's Constitutional flame, the . However, in this instance, it is a reference to The Crown at Temple Bar which resides in the City of London. But if such functions were carried out by our own royal figurehead, the politicians could keep working on the job of conducting government business, while the king or queen could attend important dinners and ceremonial functions to positively representthe American people. In this dire age practically begging for knowledgeable and committed leaders, a First Citizen would be a glamorous and majestic creation, not the accountable or trustworthy leader America yearns for most. Trump, unlike Reagan, didnt have the first clue as to what being presidential meant, nor did he have the ability to fake it. As the current reigning monarch of the last monarch that ruled what we now call the United States, reverting back to a monarchy would see the U.S. go along with who the British Empire proclaimed to be the rightful heirs to the throne throughout the 19th and 20th Centuries, which brings us to Queen Elizabeth. The corporation was based in the District of Columbia, which is a law unto itself with its own government. Queen Elizabeth was born with the last name Windsor. Endearingly titled father of his country even during his own lifetime. My first choice for King would be Tom Hanks. Instead of a mere qualified negative upon other branches of government, the executive would be a new, sacred area to popularize power. Before I fly in plane, I like to know the person flying the plane has had extensive training in how to flyplanes. I got the idea from Michael Moore who serious proposed Oprah Winfrey should be President. Quoting from the song King George sang in the musical, Many Americans thought George Washington should be King, but even Washington was wary that a cult of personality. 100 women who changed the world This divine being also goes by the name, Venus Columba. Of course, it is too late to elect Ronald Reagan to a position of being Americas King. Anything from oil scandals, for example, to the death of JFK, to the many scandals of the Reagan era. I really dont care how much I like them. In distinguishing between a president and a monarch, Hamilton wrote in Federalist No. If they should unfortunately assail the supreme executive magistracy of a country, consisting of a plurality of persons, they might impede or frustrate the most important measures of the government.. ), Of course, you cant blame our Founding Fathers for being sick of kings, especially since King George III was hell-bent on preventing America from becoming independent from British domination and rule. At that time, Mexico was ruled by the dictator Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna. He knew how to relinquish power. King George was the worst tyrant America ever had to contend withuntil Trump came along. Maybe other people needed such ornate ritualsbut not me. Elected unanimously to serve a second term. The British national anthem is unique among some other national anthems in that its lyrics are variable depending upon the situation. As many are aware, the Imperial Romanovs reign over Russia ended when the family was murdered by Bolsheviks during Russias transition to becoming the Soviet Union. According to the claims, one of those at this secret meeting was no less than King James I. . could destroy a country, as the people would put loyalty to King over every other rational consideration. As the royal family and other guests at the ceremony . The one would have a qualified negative upon the acts of the legislative body; the other has an absolute negative., Hamilton continued in Federalist No. Official history suggests that the grip of The Virginia Company ceased following the War of Independence. But none of this explains why Reagan was so popularor why he would have made a great king. The United States was built on the idea of removing itself from tyranny, the British Empire, which at the time was strictly a monarchy. Hollywood stars and musical celebrities mostly provided our pseudo-royalty in the figures of Tom Hanks, Lady Gaga, Garth Brooks, Jenifer Lopez, Bruce Springsteen, Katy Perry, John Legend, Eva Longoria, and even (among others) Lin-Manuel Miranda, who played Alexander Hamilton in Hamilton. He did so twice, both after his leadership of the Continental Army and after his second presidential term, the latter setting a respected standard that remained unbroken until FDR. He couldnt even make a condolence call to a mother of a slain soldier without making it all about Trump. But if such functions were carried out by our own royal figurehead, the politicians could keep working on the job of conducting government business, while the king or queen could attend important dinners and ceremonial functions to positively representthe American people. The Framers purposefully devised the executive branch with four-year elections and with a high degree of accountability and limited latitude. If it were that simple, there wouldnt be so many stupid wars about who gets what throne. She also has more grace and integrity than any American president has ever had, although Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama came close. Trump, unlike Reagan, didnt have the first clue as to what being presidential meant, nor did he have the ability to fake it. 2010-02-14 18:45:57. Was he referring to the claims we have discussed here? All it did was make the rich, richerat the expense of everyone else. Might it be that the District of Columbia is, in fact, the District of Columba? Wiki User. Ultimately, though, he knew how to do something that so many revolutionary leaders do not. Was this what Bush Sr meant when he claimed they would be strung up from lamp posts if people knew the truth? This is the Federal Government and is different from that of the United States. But that wouldn't have been the case before 1917, the year her grandfather, King George V, decided to not only switch his house name from . If Alaska gives Russia a claim to the throne of the United States, why not Hawaii? At the time of our nations founding, the Framers considered instating a monarch-like figure, and the idea was quickly dismissed. 70, in considering a pluralistic executive: Wherever two or more persons are engaged in any common enterprise or pursuit, there is always danger of difference of opinion . Democracy comes from dmos, meaning "common people," originally "district" and kratos which means "rule, strength". A First Citizen would, indeed, likely be a superficial Band-Aid of fuzzy-feeling unity to slap onto the minds and hearts of America. that's our identity. america's never had a king or queen since our revolution. Terms under which this service is provided to you, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information, Be Caring for the Libs Feelings When the Red Wave Hits. Perhaps one more point of interest is the notion that over 40 of the United States Presidents also connect to these bloodlines. And people dont like it. The Queen was always pictured faced right on her coins in a tradition which has been place for more than 300 years, according to the Royal Mint. A small cabal of Continental Army officers wanted to give that a go, being unsure of a republican government. 4. Listen to his address. Lest they challenge the influence of The Crown and the subsequent profits they could make.[2]. This should be rather straight forward, but just take a moment to consider the meaning of democracy. Official history suggests that the grip of The Virginia Company ceased following the War of Independence. A lot of European countries that st. Marcus Lowth is a writer with a passion for anything interesting, be it UFOs, the Ancient Astronaut Theory, the paranormal or conspiracies. He has been a guest speaker on numerous national radio and television stations and is a five time published author. Article 1, Section 9 of the Constitution states that "No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States." Alexander Hamilton called the clause a "cornerstone of republican government,". Besides, there would be no family there to even see me. Wiki User. This one is pretty obvious. And upon the conquest of William The Conquer would negotiate its own laws and freedoms. But he doesn't hold the mother of all royal titles: King. It's. Quoting from the song King George sang in the musical Hamilton. Elected unanimously to serve as the first President of the United States. He rose to the occasion after the NASA Challenger disaster, playing the role he was born for, a father figure comforting a grieving nation after a horrific tragedy. He was personal. A King and Queen are the royal rulers of a country. I didnt see the point of sitting in the hot sun for two hours wearing a stupid cap and gown, just to be handed a diploma that could be sent in the mail. On both occasions, it was time to abandon power. Eventually, the country was ruled by First Consul later Emperor Napolon Bonaparte. We should not collectively cater to the radical aggrandizement of such power, even through symbolic clout, but rather consider the troubling nature of the aggrandizement itself. Bill Clinton Creates a Stir With Response to Question About Jeffrey Epstein, Working-Class Pennsylvanians: Here's Why We're Not Voting for Fetterman, GOP Congressman Shreds the Media's Pelosi Attack Narrative. Townhall.com is the leading source for conservative news and political commentary and analysis. He also justifies the First Citizen through increased political animosity in America. Site content may be used for any purpose without explicit permission unless otherwise specified. If only because of the vast amount of financial debt it remains in to the Federal Reserve.[4]. He had a good sense of humor. Before that, though, it was a sovereign kingdom, ruled by Queen Liliuokalani, a native Hawaiian. But none of this explains why Reagan was so popular, without his disastrous economic and social polices. America does not have a king, but millions of Americans have adopted the royal family in England to make up for the fact Americans have failed to recognize our own need for a royal. He may be the scion of the oldest dynasty in Europe (700 years). Before Hawaii became a U.S. territory by annexation in 1898, it was a sovereign republic, led by American businessman Sanford Dole. Those that are listed as former monarchs of what is now the continental United States were heads of European seated monarchies (or Mexican monarchs, such as Agustn I of Mexico and Maximilian I of Mexico) and themselves never set foot on American soil.Others were indigenous monarchs, such as Malietoa . Kos Media, LLC. My first choice for Queen isnt original. He was likable. (please tell me its of their own money, and not the peoples' taxes). My conscious mind knew I had already graduated, but sans the silly ceremony, my subconscious mind never got the memo. When most people think of The Crown, they very likely imagine a connection to the British Royal family. In 2019, she topped YouGov's list of Britain's most admired women with 22.61 per cent of the poll - ahead of Michelle Obama (13 per cent), Judi Dench (7.66 per cent) and JK Rowling (6.77 per cent). The United States of America was founded has a constitutional Republic, for the people by the people. He wasnt mean like Nixon, dumb like George W, or evil like Trump. The climax of the movie comes when the King had to give a speech to the people of England that their country was at war with Nazi Germany. People love gossip, and no gossip is juicier than that of royalty. This is known as the Federal Reserve and also operates under its own laws. Prince Andrew is a direct descendant of Tsar Nicholas I, whose reign ended with his death in 1855. Oceans rise, empires fall, we have seen each other through it all, and when push comes to shove, I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love! It was almost like he was a professional actor who perfected the role of playing the President of the United States. Queen Victoria's descendants can be found in the royal families of Germany, Russia, Greece, Romania, Sweden, Norwa It's a constitutional thing why america does not have queens or kings. Like many leaders, George Washington was a powerful man. But before Mexico took on a republican form of government, it was ruled by a legitimate Mexican Emperor, Augustin I. Your potential Queen of the United States is in the center, wearing purple. Washington rebuffed the men, and the rest is history but what if there had been one chair to rule all of the United States? Presided over the Constitutional Convention of 1787. We can elect them to serve for twenty years. The Shah of Iran, Princess Grace of Monaco, and (of course) the House of Windsor in the United Kingdom have all been the subject of Americans interest for a time. The queen is the British head of state in a constitutional monarchy, meaning that even though she's the sovereign, Elizabeth doesn't actually govern the country or come up with laws, according to. King Willem-Alexander became the first Dutch male monarch in more than a century Tuesday as his mother Beatrix abdicated to end a 33-year reign. Ones that some researchers claim are hidden in plain sight for everyone to see. Ronald Reagan was basically a genuinely nice guy. On the agenda were the potential opportunities of the new world that we know today as the United States of America. Do we want meaningless love or meaningful leadership? it did have the king of england, when we ruled over there, but since then, they have constitutionally decided not to have one since independence. Much of what is today the United States once belonged to Mexico before the U.S. took it in the Mexican War of 1846. America does not have a king, but millions of Americans have adopted the royal family in England to make up for the fact Americans have failed to recognize our own need for a royal family. And, if we accept them to be accurate for one moment, the reality of the United States courts looks entirely different. And why the idea blossoms easily in the minds of some researchers. He was affable. There are several claims that revolve around the idea of a ruling elite bloodline stretching back to antiquity. The official celebrations that commemorate the birthday of a king or queen in the United Kingdom generally do not coincide with the day of their birth. A popular man. At that time, the rich really did pay their fair share in taxes, which economically benefitted everyone. This, however, opposed to popular belief, is not a reference to the Royal Family (we will come back to this in our next entry). Its no secret that millions loathed President Bush during his time in office, and todays popular disenchantment with President Obama is increasingly undeniable. Little did we know in 1776, that it was possible to have a king, without giving that person of royal distinction any more political power than any other rich, famous celebrity. See answer (1) Copy. America Doesent Need A king Or Queen We Have A president, also i dont want a slobby rich dude that orders most of the government. I pooh-poohed this unnecessary ceremony and stayed in my dorm. Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna is now the recognized head of the Imperial Family of Russia, now that there are no more male members of the Romanov Dynasty left. Presided over the Constitutional Convention of 1787. This would essentially mean it is the District of Venus Columba, or Queen Semiramis of Babylon. As an insider explained to the New York Post, that King Charles and queen consort Camilla prefer to stay in their own homes, apart, at times is no cause for concern. In 1787 the United States Constitution, made the use of granting titles illegal. Im serious. The Queen of the United Kingdom has been a very good friend to the United States, having visited several times. As the Revolutionary War came to a close, King George III asked American-born painter Benjamin West what George Washington planned to do after winning independence. Meanwhile, the Presidents power could actually be seen as more important than ever before. Answer (1 of 5): No we already had one and didn't care for him very much, King George. If there is a state funeral somewhere in the world, our President is often too busy to attend, and sending our Vice-President might be seen as demeaning the importance of the occasion. But at the cost of something much greater, and in furtherance of the underlying problem itself: the systematic addiction to power. Many researchers even question whether the Federal Reserve is nothing more than The Virginia Company renamed. Besides, there would be no family there to even see me. After all, the above statement could be used in relation to many such incidents of the twentieth century. And their presence in the soon-to-be United States was for one reason only. If there is a state funeral somewhere in the world, our President is often too busy to attend, and sending our Vice-President might be seen as demeaning the importance of the occasion. Going one stage further, many of these same bloodlines stretch back to antiquity. This is largely because the United States was forced to borrow money from the reserve, much as they do today. Romanov is a World War II veteran of the British Royal Navy who even lived in California for a time. He or she the inexperienced First Citizen directly chosen by the previous inexperienced First Citizen would somehow save us, too. Who today could win that game of thrones? He escalated Nixons War on Drugs which did irreparable harmespecially to poor black people who were the most likely have to languish in prison for years. And perhaps of most concern to the elites of England at the time, so was the spread of Catholicism. Like we areabove all that, and dont need a figurehead as a symbol of our country. Holland has a king for the first time since 1890 and Argentina Queen Maxima . A small cabal of Continental Army officers wanted to give that a go, being unsure of a republican government. 1. The thought-process, however, and ways the dots have been connected are intriguing in their own right. So much so, I didnt even bother to attend my own graduation ceremony. In the early-1600s, one of the main concerns of The Crown was the rapidly increasing influence from the conquests of the Spanish. From that day to this, even though I have been retired for a few years, I still have dreams that, this semester I really need to buckle down and study hard, or I will never graduate from college and get on with my life. I could go on and on about all the terrible things Reagan did as President. Then Reagan became President and gutted progressive taxation by perpetuating the myth of trickle-down economics. And once again, we will turn to the District of Columbia and its apparent discreet origins to Babylon. (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to publication. 69: The one would be amenable to personal punishment and disgrace; the person of the other is sacred and inviolable. If Americans dont need royalty, why are so many Americans obsessed with the British Royal Family? After all, it seems, historically speaking, like the natural order of things. So much so, I didnt even bother to attend my own graduation ceremony. Our distrust in government is not simply because the President is not up to the busy job, but because our government as a whole has grown to an inconceivable and unsustainable level. As she is the first monarch in Scotland to carry the name of Elizabeth, properly she should be Queen Elizabeth I of Scotland and QEII of Englan. For example, one of the most important deities in Babylon was Queen Semiramis. 2016-12-07 14:15:14. . Needing a king ultimately says we want the President to have increased executive authority, through condoning the flippant diversion of at least some presidential obligations to someone else if deemed less important. As such, we create the potential for an increasingly divisive and arbitrarily dispersed branch. But Americans, despite their historical disagreements with the idea of royalty, are very much enamored with some of the worlds royal families. This is the truth, 10 Small Towns In The United States Known For Weird Things, 10 Freakiest Modern Monsters Found In The United States, 10 UFO Incidents Over Air Force Bases In The United States, 9 Comedians Who Ran For President Of The United States, 10 Reasons Modern Britain Is Still One Of The, 10 Weird States And Forms Of Water You Never Knew Existed, 10 Ways Things Would Be Different If The Confederate, 10 People Who Saved a Life with Inconceivable Strength, Ten Surprising Things You Never Knew About Garden Gnomes, 10 Ancient Tyrants You Wont Read About in History Books, 10 Amazing Animals That Re-Emerged from Extinction. Another reason why countries still retain kings and queens is to have a neutral figure at the head of the state. As the executive branch, and government generally, has expanded radically in recent decades, its hardly surprising that some feel that one executive leader is no longer enough. As imperfect as it was and still is, I don't think need a King or Queen. Or, perhaps more accurately, how they could benefit the many elites of the United Kingdom. Led the Continental Army. Jadwiga, original Hungarian Hedvig, German Hedwig, (born 1373/74died July 17, 1399, Krakw, Poland; canonized June 8, 1997; feast day February 28), queen of Poland (1384-99) whose marriage to Jogaila, grand duke of Lithuania (Wadysaw II Jagieo of Poland), founded the centuries-long union of Lithuania and Poland. From that day to this, even though I have been retired for a few years, I, Now just because Trump wanted to be king, doesnt mean he would be adequate. The Queen consort's primary role is to "provide companionship and moral and practical support" to the reigning monarch, Buckingham Palace said. The best place to begin exploring these claims is to look at the Virginia Company. A First Citizen, dividing up what was previously demanded from one person, would teach voters that the integrity of our President is less important than ever before; the First Citizen above would somehow be the good guardian of the Presidents reputation and capacity to lead. Now just because Trump wanted to be king, doesnt mean he would be adequateeven if the position carried no real political power. Elected unanimously to serve a second term.. As the District of Columbia is home to the (private) Federal Government, though, it operates under Maritime Law. He refused on the grounds that he didn't fight a War of Independence, to rid the country of a foreign king, only to become a king himself. This is due to a very curious factor:. He gave great speeches, and like FDR was able to relate directly to the people. Although I didnt think Oprah was qualified to become President, I would have no qualms about voting for her tobecome the first Queenof America. Little did we know in 1776, that it was possible to have a king, Now dont get me wrong. His grandmother was Russian Duchess Xenia who fled Russia in 1917 aboard a British warship. Queen Elizabeth (and now King Charles) possessed so-called reserve powers, also known as prerogative powers or personal prerogatives. Instead, she should have given Africa some . Before we go any further, we need to state right now that the following claims are ones that reside mainly on the fringes of the fringes of the conspiracy world. They do not interfere with the day-to-day running of the country or share their opinions on political matters. When I was in college and studied both Political Science and Psychology, I thought all the pomp and circumstance surrounding royalty, ornate ceremonies, and rituals were a waste of time and money. Top 10 Creepiest Roadside Attractions in the U.S. 10 Most Interesting Facts About the Vikings, 10 Surprisingly Symbolic Gifts Given by Famous People, Top Ten Intriguing Shipwreck Mysteries That Were Recently Solved, 10 Crazy Conspiracy Theories About Celebrity Deaths, 10 Unbelievable Stories About Vladimir Putin, Top 10 People Capable Of Superhuman Feats, 10 People Who Claimed To Have Traveled To The Future. Bother to attend my own graduation ceremony Duchess Xenia who fled Russia in 1917 aboard a British warship thought-process however The keeper of the worlds populace, without his disastrous economic and social.. The creation of the Virginia Company are those of Maritime Law was make the really! Grace and integrity than any American President has ever had, although Jimmy and! 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