LibreOffice is also just a PowerPoint clone, meaning it apes a lot of PowerPoint behaviours that I dont like and dont need including the automatic hierarchy of bullet points that has been criticised for implying semantics that arent there. Here's how that slide looks. Love podcasts or audiobooks? Building Presentations with Reveal.js | Steve Grunwell Use reveal.js themes or create your own and put it in /static/reveal.js/css/theme. Nice tutorial and nice tools!! We're a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers. I already have organisation level GitHub pages set up on my GitHub username, so new presentations appear as []/[presentation-repo-name], create a new GitHub repo with the name you want the presentation to be known as (other online Git-integrated source control platforms are available). In my power shell (I use windows 10) I read: running watch task waiting. Markdown Presentations. by Dat Tran. Thank you for your help! Information about how to contribute to the project is available in the file on the GitHub repository. Add the following information to slides.json in /static/data. It's one of the plugins I like the most from reveal.js and it was tested within the gallery app. I've also used more developer-friendly frameworks like Reveal.js. Using Emacs - 11 - Reveal.js presentations - C'est la Z - GitHub Pages III. With Reveal Jekyll, the goal is to make it easier to manage your presentation and just focus on the content in markdown. 46 . The HTML Presentation Framework - Simple. Press 'f' to view slides in full-screen mode. Back to top. A plug-in that integrates chart.js with reveal.js Never heard of Reveal.js check it out here The plug-in . DEV Community A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers. The new user interface (UI) is based on the Dashboard template by KickOff for UIKit. reveal.js comes with a broad range of features including nested slides, Markdown contents, PDF export, speaker notes and a JavaScript API. Read Create a Multi-user Presentation with Reveal.js and learn with SitePoint. It's best viewed in a modern browser but fall-backs are available to make sure your presentation can still be viewed elsewhere. Creating a Reveal presentation that supports multiplex is straightforward. Updated 2 weeks ago, 298 contributors. GitHub - hakimel/reveal.js: The HTML Presentation Framework That means anything you can do on the web, you can do in your presentation. In Reveal.js, slide notes are written in an aside tag that is hidden from view in the presentation. 19 best open source reveal js projects. I get nothing but a white page in my browser. With it, you can turn any properly-formatted Hugo content into a HTML presentation. According to the GitHub repository of reveal.js, you can use Markdown to format the content of the presentation by adding the data-markdown attribute to your elements and wrapping the content in a