responsive video_container class, as shown in the beginning. This guide has been made to make it easier for everyone to use kramdown features and save a lot of time writing content for, including handbook pages, website pages, blog posts and everything else within the project www-GitLab-com. # For more information, see For example, []( For example, if your page has text like this: This is an introductory paragraph. Add the following style tag to the end of your file. >A quote is a block of text that is set off from the main text by quotation marks. If you never have written a single line in markdown markup, don't worry, it's easy to learn and even easier to use. example: Separate the introductory phrase from explanatory text with a colon (:). its considered the latest version, for example Jobs/Deploy.latest.gitlab-ci.yml. Stored in your projects repository in the. Do you want a simple way of copying a hyperlink title and address in markdown? To be used in a CTA for webcast announcement in blog posts. If you then use a second

on the same page, youre creating some potential confusion, because someone, or a search engine might see that as the ending of the semantic relationship between the content after the first

and the start of this new

. To open either project or group settings: To save the selection in some dropdown lists: If a step is optional, start the step with the word Optional followed by a period. The following table has a header (first line), then markup to define the desired alignment (dashes and colons), For example, a link to our blog handbook should look like this /handbook/marketing/blog/ and not this See live examples on this post, where the icons are used to illustrate the text. A rule that could cause confusion is MD044/proper-names, as it might not be linked style guide. it right below the heading, and it won't be included into the ToC. It usually should be used by adding it to Consider using PNG images instead of JPEG. Test that pipeline jobs are properly created via. a custom class and/or a custom ID to the element. Note: a note is something that needs to be mentioned but is apart from the context. that the template requires, so an example project helps the reviewers ensure the Bulleted lists indented 1 space. Follow the steps above to find the iframe: Embedding Google Docs is not a recommended practice. Hard-coded HTML is valid, although its discouraged from being used. markdown. Example: Use bold rather than italic to provide emphasis. you don't want to call attention to: Note: this is something I don't want to call attention to. Example: instead of. immediately clear what caused markdownlint to fail, or how to correct the the documentation helps others efficiently accomplish tasks and solve problems. inside the figure tag. Copy the code under Embed and place it use a relative file path. custom class, as described later in this guide. It evolves Do not use semicolons or commas. The text inside the square brackets is an image attribute called, For the same reasons, the image must contain a name related to it. You can close the markup parser tag at any point, if you want to: You may want to use Embedded Ruby (ERB) in your markdown, for example, to include a partial. You can define these templates in a project, group, or instance. Create a short video of the interaction and link to it. If the document was in Google Docs, you can install the Docs to Markdown add-on, which helps convert the Google Docs to markdown. This policy prevents information silos, making it easier to find information item. To view the rendered GitLab docs site, check the review app in the MR. You might need to move the text up or down You can use it for other purposes as well. ShellCheck assumes that the script is designed to run using Bash. within a code block. To topic titles that dont apply to the same tier as the H1. to the markdown document. To add tweets to markdown, copy both