Fiction: A European SVO fuel website using similar anti-biodiesel tactics claims: "Biodiesel is a chemically altered plant oil. At the time of publishing, this guarantee must be sufficient to cover one months maximum excise duty liability, or 9.5 million whichever is the lower. I have 4 WVO barrels. In some circumstances it may be impractical or unreasonable to do so, therefore de minimis limits may apply to certain transactions. Unless released in high concentrations, methanol would not be expected to persist or bioaccumulate in the environment. Read and observe the Safety instructions below. If you swirl it thoroughly for a minute or so five or six times over a period of time the lye will completely dissolve in the methanol, forming sodium methoxide or potassium methoxide. -- Talking about the weather Using a graduated syringe or a pipette, add 0.1% lye solution drop by drop to the oil-alcohol-phenolphthalein mixture, stirring all the time. And as a bonus, most of the catalyst ends up in the glycerine cocktail so it neutralizes the Free Fatty Acids (FFAs) in the waste oil. Use the fuel quality tests to fine-tune the process to your particular processor. (If you don't have any vinegar handy, just use lots of water.) It has none of the toxic or environmental hazards of fossil diesel fuel. If there's water in it it will start to "snap, crackle and pop" by 50 deg C (120 deg F) or so. The droplets are removed most efficiently by coalescing and draining. Lower speeds should be enough. Excise duty is not chargeable if you set aside or use biofuel: See section 5 regarding the mixing of biodiesel and bioblend with rebated heavy oil. During processing and settling, all unfiltered solids drop out into the glycerine by-product layer. We've had a number of reports that centrifuges give poor results compared with normal settling, and especially compared with washing -- washing centrifuged fuel has yielded very soapy wash-water, so obviously the centrifuging didn't work very well. blender or preferably a mini-processor Straight vegetable oil When scaling up from small test-batches to a full-sized processor, be aware that the process will probably need some adjusting. A common warning is that biodiesel, especially 100% biodiesel, will rot any natural or butyl rubber parts in the fuel system, whether fuel lines or injector pump seals, and that they must first be replaced with resistant parts made of Viton. Better, Duda's Alternative Energy Store sells phenolphthalein in convenient 18 ml dropper bottles, enough for about 180 titrations, buy online: I adjust the inlet openings to regulate the mixing. This is how Tom does it: Tell us about your problem and track your rescue. You can use a spare blender, or, better, make a simple Test-batch mini-processor. The methoxide is mixed like this -- Methoxide the easy way, which also happens to be the safe way. En espaol -- Biocombustibles, biodiesel We don't have much time for centrifuges either, for similar reasons. When you produce bioethanol, the by-product is a residue called dried distillers grains with solubles (DDGS). Lowering pressure in the system alone may be insufficient to sustain vaporization when the solution becomes concentrated (the molar fraction of the solute greatly exceeds that of the solvent). The best advice is not to expose yourself to the fumes in the first place. Learn as much as you can first -- lots of information is available, right here -- keep reading! We've learnt a lot since then. Most cases were caused by drinking badly made moonshine, which is a worldwide problem. The drum has a bottom drain fitted with a 6"-high 3/4" standpipe (15cm-high x 1.9cm), which leaves any sediment on the bottom of the drum undisturbed. Contrary to rumour, "phenol red", sold by pool supply stores, won't work for titrating WVO, its pH range isn't broad enough. See also: Determining the Influence of Contaminants on Biodiesel Properties, Jon H. Van Gerpen et al., Iowa State University, July 31, 1996 -- 12,000-word report on contaminants and their effects. Question: How much does it take to kill you? (See: Joe Street's processor) The cleanest they'd seen, they said how did we make such good biodiesel from WVO? New labels are set to appear on all petrol and diesel pumps by 1 September 2019 but the fuel you use is exactly the same. Drying (Don't worry that you seem to be adding millilitres to grams, that's the way it works.) Biodiesel is made from vegetable and animal oils and fats, or triglycerides. Check the quality of your biodiesel with these quality tests. Mixing the methoxide En espaol -- Biocombustibles, biodiesel Biodiesel We use some essential cookies to make this website work. Filtering WVO Carefully add the methoxide to the warmed oil while stirring, and mix for an hour. See Safety. Have exactly the same kind of bag on the other side of the scale to balance the weight, or adjust the scale for the weight of the bag. We warmed it up a bit on the stove (to about 50 deg C, 122 deg F) and filtered it through a fine mesh filter, and then again through coffee filter papers, but it was fairly clean -- very little food residue was left in the filters. The biodiesel should be ready for instant consumption if it's clear and bright and without sediments. -- Ken Provost, Biofuel mailing list, "Re: washing? Used oil has more FFA, sometimes much more. However, one-litre test batches are not just something for beginners. Question: Just how dangerous is methanol? See Natural test papers -- Cabbage, Turmeric, Brazil, Dahlia, Elderberry, Indigo, Litmus, Rose, Rhubarb. It's not unusual. Save money! You can read the important force of law contained in paragraph 3.3. Biodiesel Production Principles and Processes - Farm Energy Secure the blender lid tightly and switch on. See The SVO vs biodiesel argument If the weather is cold, warming the oil first helps for mixing as well as settling: pre-heat to about 30 deg C (86 deg F). This is the number of grams of lye you'll need per litre of the oil you titrated. Stir-washing. Biodiesel: Coming Soon to an Ethanol Plant Near You I repeatedly suggested that he trust gravity. The drum has a bottom drain fitted with a 6"-high 3/4" standpipe (15cm-high x 1.9cm), which leaves any sediment on the bottom of the drum undisturbed. All the national standards require washing. To view this licence, visit or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or email: The finished fuel was washed and dried, and then it was centrifuged, and then samples were sent to the lab for testing. Or try using a glycerine pre-wash to lower the Free Fatty Acid level and dry the oil (see below, Glycerine pre-wash). We pump both glycerine cocktail and oil at the same time into a separate container. Getting rid of his filtering setup has made room for a settling tank. Many experienced biodiesel makers do test batches with each batch of oil. The important thing is how well-used, or overused, the oil is. If you drink five teaspoonsful of pure methanol you'll need medical treatment even if it doesn't kill you. It's a natural component of blood, urine, saliva and the air you breathe out. Don't do it -- life is easier with longer settling times, for the WVO, for the by-product to separate after processing, and for the wash-water to separate, especially after the final wash. Cycle the glycerine cocktail and oil mixture twice. Quality biodiesel is well-washed biodiesel. It works in any diesel, without any conversion or modifications to the engine or the fuel system -- just put it in and go. Cycle the glycerine cocktail and oil mixture twice. Mix it with petroleum diesel fuel, or with a solvent, or with gasoline; Short answer: Anything from five teaspoons to more than half a pint, but nobody really knows. Fact: Methanol is readily biodegradable in the environment under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions (with and without oxygen) in a wide variety of conditions. Start off with a new fuel filter. The "bottoms" are resettled the same way, first in 18-litre metal cans. You don't have to convert the engine to run it on biodiesel, but you might need to make some adjustments and you should check a few things. "I started producing biodiesel with much help from Mr Addison's excellent website Journey to Forever, and cut my teeth in bio from information harvested there. The first two methods sound easiest, but, as so often in life, it's not quite that simple. Out of 1,601 methanol poisonings reported in the US in 1987 the death rate was 0.375%, or 1 in 267 cases. Search the Journey to Forever website click HERE, En espaol The methoxide is mixed like this -- Methoxide the easy way, which also happens to be the safe way. Two-stage biodiesel process In which case there's no need for mixes, you can just use 100% SVO. Methanol is the main or only ingredient in barbecue fuel or fondue fuel, sold in supermarkets and chain stores as "stove fuel" and used at the dinner table. Then, check the acid content, by titration. Better titration Used cooking oil from McDonald's. Biodiesel The drum has a bottom drain fitted with a 6"-high 3/4" standpipe (15cm-high x 1.9cm), which leaves any sediment on the bottom of the drum undisturbed. The glycerine will flow at a lower rate and the the inlet opening should be adjusted so that it finishes at the same time as the oil. and How to use the quality tests, as with new oil. In words, the reaction is: Oil + alcohol biodiesel + glycerin. Yes, if you use a good system. Free water is the easiest to remove. Severaldemonstration factories have already been built but it will be some years before production is possible on an industrial scale. How much lye to use? NOTE: This is a standard World Wide Web document, which means it's hyperlinked. Biodiesel from new oil (Methanol boils at 64.7 deg C, 148.5 deg F.) If you make a false or inaccurate declaration in relation to the production or blending of biofuels, or in relation to a claim for use of biofuel in the production of electricity, or if you fail to keep either records or fail to make returns (or both) showing your excise duty liability, you could be liable to financial penalties under Schedule 24 of Finance Act 2007. Cost Any product that is added into the fuel supply of vehicles either by the filler cap or by various parts of the fuel system, for example the carburettor, is treated as a fuel additive. I pump WVO out of the settled barrel from the top 3/4. See "Simple 5-gallon processor" for a much better way.) See Biodiesel processors. We've had a number of reports that centrifuges give poor results compared with normal settling, and especially compared with washing -- washing centrifuged fuel has yielded very soapy wash-water, so obviously the centrifuging didn't work very well. Badly processed biodiesel with poor conversion and too much soap might contain sediments in suspension, but if it's properly made it will be without sediments. Most of the excess methanol used in the biodiesel process ends up in the glycerine by-product layer, and should be reclaimed for re-use. AMW-100 Digital Scale, 100 grams, 0.01-gram accuracy -- Buy from More about methanol 2. However, paragraph 5.8 explains the marking requirements when rebated biodiesel is blended with gas oil and kerosene. Don't let it get too hot or the methanol will evaporate. Biofuels Homepage Biodiesel will free up the rust, and it could clog the particle filter inside the tank. That means it's thought to take at least 20 grams of methanol to kill an average-sized person, or 25 ml, five teaspoonsful. Organic vapor cartridge respirators are more or less useless against methanol vapors. If youre in doubt as to whether your product requires accompanying documentation, you should check with the Excise: enquiries helpline. "Methanol is a fixed-carbon nutrient source for plants." Account Number: 40204374 In fact life is already easier -- people who start off making 40-gallon batches often never learn the accuracy and discipline that comes from making one-litre test batches first. Biodiesel cannot be used on its own in traditional internal combustion engines but can be blended with traditional petroleum fuel. If your production method includes the use of additives with either SVO or UCO (or both) you should be aware that there are restrictions on the use of tied oils, which are relieved of duty except when used as motor fuels. Next: Make your own biodiesel -- Page 2 9. However the process to chemically change the structure of Pure Plant Oil is a very costly operation and requires a lot of energy, as it removes the glycerine substituting it by methanol as well as adding other chemicals, making the end-product poisonous and equally hazardous as fossil diesel fuel." See Biodiesel processors. I allow the WVO to settle in cubies for a week. Closed-system fuel production, on a local or small regional scale, tied to local resources, using accessible technologies, and dependent on entrepreneurial innovation combined with open-source information exchange -- it's AWESOME. This oil is very clear and requires very little drying. Use a spare blender you don't need or get a cheap second-hand one -- cheap because it might not last very long, but it will get you going until you build something better. Which oil is best? We used 2 litres of methanol to 10 litres of vegetable oil, and 3.5 grams of NaOH per litre of oil -- 35 grams for 10 litres. Out of 1,601 methanol poisonings reported in the US in 1987 the death rate was 0.375%, or 1 in 267 cases. Most people use a pH meter or phenolphthalein solution, and that's what we recommend. The best advice is not to expose yourself to the fumes in the first place. Use a cooking thermometer to monitor the temperature. What we do is use at least 10/90 weight ratio: 10kg of glycerine for 90kg of waste oil. Make sure all parts of the blender are clean and dry and that the blender components are tightly fitted. When mixed, the methoxide is again pumped into the (closed) biodiesel processor with the aquarium air-pump -- there's no exposure to fumes, and it's added slowly, which is optimal for the process and also for safety. If it's poor quality oil with a high titration level, heat it first, as in de-watering (above), and then let it settle. For fire risks, see Hazards Fiction: "Methanol is a very active chemical against which the human body has no means of defence. One is settled, two are settling, and one is being filled. Make your own biodiesel - page 2: Journey to Forever If the WVO has been filtered or settled to clear, any solid particles that get as far as the processor are small and won't affect the processing. Its illegal to use these fuels in a road vehicle unless you pay the difference between the full rate of duty on the fuel and the rebated rate actually paid on the fuel used. But it definitely can kill you. First, check for water content. Otherwise, it's not wise. Colligative properties of solutions (and some mixtures) can make removal of the last traces of water almost impossible. If the oil contains salts or semi-soluble fatty acids, distillation is even more difficult. The lethal dose of methanol for humans is not known for certain. In fact they're common enough household chemicals. Moving on to bigger things That means it's thought to take at least 20 grams of methanol to kill an average-sized person, or 25 ml, five teaspoonsful. If you disagree with a decision made by one of our officers you may be able to have a review or to appeal to an independent tribunal. Corn has doubled in price, from $2 a bushel to $4 a bushel, in the U.S. in the past year and whacked the profits of ethanol producers. The unit costs might seem quite high, but since you'll only be needing small amounts at first it's worth the price to eliminate the risk and confusion of poor-quality chemicals spoiling your results. Once you've made successful test-batches with a variety of used oils, you'll be ready to move up to production of full-sized batches of top-quality fuel, and you'll know how to deal with the peculiarities of different kinds of oil. Thegovernment discouraged an early switch to E10 in the UK so that the number of incompatible vehicles can reduce further (through end-of-life). At worst the car simply stops, starved of fuel. Transfer Two of the tins were solidified, the other two held a gloppy semi-liquid. Is ethanol energy-efficient? Food or fuel? Don't let it get too hot or the methanol will evaporate. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. This way you'll get a "feel" for the process -- you'll soon be making your own fuel, and you'll be able to do your own trouble-shooting (and you'll have much less trouble in the first place). In the UK biodiesel is available and it's taxed less than petro-diesel. Glycerine pre-wash If the weather is cold, warming the oil first helps for mixing as well as settling: pre-heat to about 30 deg C (86 deg F). Straight vegetable oil The process is called transesterification. But if you've followed the instructions here carefully, you'll be familiar with all the variables, you'll have good methodology, and you'll be in a much better position to trouble-shoot a problem batch successfully. Laboratory analysis will be used to settle any disputes or doubts about the biofuel content and can be conducted at the duty suspended premises to which the fuel is returned or at an independent laboratory. Sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide can cause severe burns and death. If you are new to biodiesel production, some of the crucial things to know are: 1. The "energy" does you no good if your particular thermodynamic cycle can't take advantage of it. Pannir Selvam, Technology Center, Department of Chemical Engineering, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Brazil, Biofuel mailing list, 15 Apr 2007 Don't be put off or frightened away by titration. Although I cannot get complete conversions in these cases, drying the oil by heating and vacuum has allowed me to do this and still avoid problems with soap formation. Gloves should be chemical-proof with cuffs that can be pulled up over long sleeves -- no shorts or sandals. Read and observe the Safety instructions below. See instructions here. Using a known temperature and a vacuum gauge is a very repeatable way of drying oil. However, if you change premises, add more premises or change the type of fuel that you produce, you must tell us at the address in paragraph 2.5 above. Better titration Low cetane-number fuel in a diesel causes ignition delay and makes the engine knock. And it works. Biodiesel processors That's from a British website trying to sell Straight Vegetable Oil (SVO) solvent additives by frightening people with the alleged perils of biodiesel. Don't be tempted to use less than accurate measures and think that it will be alright. Warm the beaker gently by standing it in some hot water, stir until all the oil dissolves in the alcohol and turns clear. What is the cetane rating of methanol? (It's toxic mainly to humans and monkeys.) Current, 'first generation' biofuels are made mainly from plant matter: Second generation or advanced biofuels manufactured from non-edible sources like woody crops and wood chips as well as agriculturalwaste such as stems, leaves and husks, will have characteristics much more like conventional petrol and diesel. The VAT law is the Value Added Tax Act 1994 and orders and regulations made under that Act. Make sure the chemicals you're using are top-quality. -- Prof. P.V. Water makes them less effective catalysts: always keep lye containers sealed and airtight. I have 4 WVO barrels. If denatured bioethanol brought in from another country is not a finished product it must either: be denatured according to the UK formulation, satisfy us that it has been denatured as closely as possible to UK formulation (Denatured Alcohol Regulations - Regulation (4)(6)). It's easy, you can make it in your kitchen -- and it's better fuel than the petro-diesel the oil companies sell you. With care and experience the production rate improves. Lamps and stoves > His main argument seemed to be against losing the energy in We have laboratory test results of "finished" biodiesel made here in Japan in a $70,000 commercial processor. Measure out the lye and mix it with the methanol to make sodium methoxide or potassium methoxide -- it will get slightly hotter and take a little longer to mix as there's more lye this time. Mixing it For instance, different blenders and mini-processors have different shapes and different rates of agitation, and the processing time required for good process completion can vary accordingly. The droplets are removed most efficiently by coalescing and draining. Allow the lye to completely dissolve in the . Register using the online service within 30 days of producing or using 2,500 litres or more of any biofuel or other fuel substitute. See instructions here. What's the most energy-efficient crop source for ethanol? | Grist Biodiesel Blend, n - a blend of biodiesel fuel meeting ASTM D 6751 with petroleum-based diesel fuel . Methanol is in the food we eat, in fresh fruit and vegetables, beer and wine, diet drinks, artificial sweeteners. Altered plant oil air you breathe out tins were solidified, the by-product a! The alcohol and turns clear caused by drinking badly made moonshine, which also happens to be adding millilitres grams! Traditional internal combustion engines but can be blended with traditional petroleum fuel VAT is... The toxic or environmental hazards of fossil diesel fuel in some circumstances it may making biodiesel with ethanol impractical or unreasonable do... Persist or bioaccumulate in the biodiesel should be reclaimed for re-use this -- methoxide the easy,! 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