And no less than respected historian John Wear another one. Id like to hear what he would say. Perhaps they may be satisfactorily resolved. Just pay attention to that which comes to me, looking for my attention. Under the neocon doctrine, Forbidden by law from engaging in honest historical analysis, many Germans accepted the self-image created by the Hollywood ziocracy: Like crazed zombies high on bath salts, Germans flipped out and ripped the faces off Jews for no reason. Millions of innocent Jews suffered under Nazism, but the lethal Hitler flower could never have blossomed without Rothschild Zionist fertilizer. News From my perspective, Ron Unz is an American Tao Patriot. If you enjoy reading the first four chapters of my book, I recommend that you read the entire book to gain a more balanced perspective of World War II. But you dont seem to have enough character to look at your own weaknesses and try to do something about it. It is Sunni Moslem. He said to me Mama, could you take me outside to wash me or pour water over my head? she said. Our multimedia service, through this new integrated single platform, updates throughout the day, in text, audio and video also making use of quality images and other media from across the UN system. At least some other Czechs dont agree with you. Look how great our nations become This section though is the video and blog sub-domain of Whatfinger News. Only about 300 men were saved. Its not about such simplistic terms as good and bad, but there are differences, some of which are incompatible. Democraps, Paralyzed With Fear, Attempt To Murder Kari Lake With Ricin: PHOENIX Authorities are i 403222391: Transphobic women: Why do women say they support trans rights then get offended when they get mistak 403245774: Checkmate /pol/: > Japan on a cultural, demographic, and economy spiral downwards > No Jewish Jewish jokes prove this Jewish love of and fairness toward Russian peasants (/snarc/, just in case someone does not get it). The best we can do is accept that different people believe different things and to point those interested in digging deeper to more accurate information, or to correct with evidence incorrect assertions where we encounter them when appropriate. Pierre-Joseph Proudhons (godfather of political anarchism) right of free association solves this issue beautifully and peacefully. We gentiles (and some fringe Jews) are apparently on the brink of annihilation now. I dont think either nation ever fully recovered. Russia is the only country that can make a difference, but we notice that they pretty much stand alone. They have that right, as does any other NATO member. Yes, there is such a thing as tribal frequency a German word is Weltanschauung among Germans and also among Jews. The Holocaust hoax is proof of how naive Germans can be, not how evil they are. Reading this article was like watching a cat play with a mouse, tossing it in the air and letting it think it was going to escape, before killing and eating it. Try it out. When it comes to a choice between death and freedom its better, in my opinion, to choose death. So it should make no difference if the ((jew)) has White, Yellow, Brown or Black whore. When or if you become a threat to the powers that be, they will simply roll over you. However , the monotheistic madness never seems to abate. Daily U.S. military news updates including military gear and equipment, breaking news, international news and more. Just like the likes of Victoria Nuland and Antony Blinken(and Jennifer Rubin) cannot let go of their supremacist tribalism, neither could Hitler because radical racism was what animated his world view. Does he want to partner up with them again even though they never accepted him as a partner? Also for the electricity you are stealing from us right now. Because were not more evenly matched, Im not going to continue in a critique of your reply., You call yourself Slav. It might be good to know who you purport to represent among the Slavs. Huh, the fake Gothic and fake Aryan lady is a bit nervous and loses the traditional German coolness (coldness). This well-documented Allied atrocity is still denied by most historians today. Instead, we get to work removing ourselves from dependancy on fucking insane systems of despotic control. He watched as Berlin was turned into a hellhole of fags and trannies and druggies and child prostitutes. It matters not who did the taking; Poland took beneficial possession and thus is the criminal. You repeat lies about Germans innocence in hope that some day it will become true. China had one child policy for generations. Hmm. Advocating that China should be free to reabsorb Taiwan by any means necessary is like saying the UK should be free to directly govern Australia and Canada again, based on historical precedent, regardless of what todays Australians and Canadians might think about losing their sovereignty and having no representation in the UK parliament. When I was living in Oman more than a decade ago, I experienced a well run tranquil country. Similarly, all across the USSR many citizens (Byelorussians, Latvians, Estonians and Russians in addition to the already mentioned Ukrainians) hated their own mass murdering Judeo-Bolshevik government. Also, many German expellees starved to death prior to 1947. I merely stated that I borrowed money from the bank; it was a business decision, and only borrowed 1/3 of what the bank offered. And Herzegovina, Bosnia, Lika, Dalmatia are full of such villages, such as Prebilovci. Yep, these people welcomed Germans as liberators as in the link below (1 min). Germany was the first place to have Wokeness imposed, under the name of denazification. Free speech was OK for the victorious Americans, but must be denied to the Germans, otherwise there was the risk of them becoming Nazis again. Photos: bodies of shot POWs. This seems to be simply a pair of troll clowns. He did absolutely nothing wrong but paid a heavy price. Swimming the deeper waters is where/how we discover the truth of who we really are. I expect the Japanese to keep playing it, assuming that if the Anglo-Zionists win, they will allow the Japanese some concessions in China. Bandera is not important. Russia was trashed up to the gates of Moscow and further damaged as it pushed the Germans back to Berlin. I know quite a few Filipinos and have met their families. Thus the population found should have been 73,940,891. There was probably an intention to somehow connect Germans to the Roman Empire and to declare that they were its legal descendants. All previously mentioned (41, 90ies), silencing the truth and censoring, it is Germanys direct responsibility. Thus, blanket anti-semitism plays right into the hands of the jewish overlords (do they follow even one of the 10 commandments of Moses and can they really be called jews, then?). Maybe he be should be further compensated for that? That could allow Japan an opportunity to break away from the US. The German anti-partisan activity in Europe was extremely vicious. Humor-Satire: The Reality of Bidens Debt Bailout For Rich Kids After years of undergoing torture and murder they welcomed the Germans. There is no need to go through ANY inner turmoil over attacking the :Anglo-Zionist Empire. The world once admired Germany and all of its achievements. They will know who to suck up to, when the time comes. Three strikes, hes out. Last night they even had to eat mere potatoes and beans like an ordinary villager! In this camp there was a mortality rate, especially among children, as high as 200 a day. The embassy noted that this account was consistent with other reports it had received from various sources concerning the Yugoslav internment camps for Germans. About 3 million Soviet POWs were thus killed while in the custody of Nazi German war-criminal murderers. The Attack on the Pipeline and the Resurrection of the Morgenthau Plan as the Long Arm of Jewish Vengeance. But remember, they get to give out their information too. The sum of 1.5 million German POWs, 2.1 million German expellees, and 5.7 million German residents equals the minimum estimate of 9.3 million Germans who died needlessly after the war. It comes down to Germans tolerating lies or fighting back and standing up for themselves. FL Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo Responds To Twitters In any case, you should not forget that like the Turks and, having exterminated the rightful owners, you live on the stolen land. If they were not Germans, can we find who they were? Go watch them, the Koreans make good movies. You are just recycling old excuses from the Eurozone crises in the past. Break the EU and let them starve. Could it be that those commentaters who have come to regard Hitler in a somewhat exhalted light have become reflexively defensive of him? They do not represent the interests of Germany. In Latin: Dei Gratia Suecorum, Gothorum et Vandalorum Rex (eng. The first column of expellees was marched off in the general direction of the Austrian frontier. They need to learn their history going back (at least) to WWI is a Rothschild Zionist fiction. On the same day, we discovered this later, when the crime was committed in the school, the Ustasha captured another 800 inhabitants of the village of Prebilovci and threw them all into a pit or killed them in animalistic fashion on the way to the pit. All the disasters the Poles ever had been afflicted with -allegedly are the unchristian Teutonic tribes fault. Only the French (not a bordering nation) will say they do when they do (not all the time). The elite arent worried that free speech leads to Auschwitz because they know it never happened. Its like when a woman poisons her husband. They seem to be according to common judeo-determined (official) dogma the most blatant racists and anti-Semites imaginable! Japan was being Anglo-Zionized well more than half a century before the start of World War II. The German expellees, who by now numbered some 28,000, were denied permission to cross into Austria by the Allied occupation authorities. What did I miss? Not to mention Eastern Europe. The USG assumed Russia was down for the count. A girl suffering from cholera symptoms is helped by her father upon arrival at a clinic run by Doctors Without Borders in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Thursday, Oct. 27, 2022. As my previous comments attest, there is at least the hope that cooler heads prevail. Something I intend to rectify this coming winter. A rollback, if you will, at least of post-1997. The Jews know the holocaust is a fake narrative, but will they ever admit it? Southern EU by debt slavery, eastern EU by rent extraction from the assets and banks they own. And multiply by 1000 similar or worse events. An indelible stain will fall on the conscience of Italy and our culture, if, while there is time, we do not distance ourselves from the Ustasha and prevent us from being accused of supporting insanity!. For another fourteen days, charred bodies were dumped in the Elbe River to prevent disease.). This well-known passage is on debate with Jews. Having lived in a western country featuring mass immigration for a few years, I know that the outdoor greenery and decorations in a place like that alley would not last even a few weeks. The current Japanese government is elected on basis of history denying and atrocity denying, and even the American calls Abe a history denier and atrocity denier. An estimated 5.7 million Germans already residing in Germany died from the starvation policies implemented by the Allies. By the way, the name of the previous Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarch was also German. In reprisal, German officials decided to shoot They are not about to let some upstart come in and mess with their source of power and wealth. If they had done that in 2014 there would be no Ukraine-Russia war today. The end. My response: I agree with you on this point. Because God truly is love and life lived in the pressent truly is a gift! You may think it egotisical of me to discuss my own personal experiences and choices in life, Carolyn, but given that those experiences and choices have led me in a direction away from the socio-political and economic status quo (aka slavery) and towards something that offers freedom from centralised power structures and cohersive control, not to mention unnessesary conflict, then maybe my NOT staying out of it is a good thing. It occurs in times of peace and armed conflict situations, is widespread, and is considered to be one of the most traumatic, pervasive, and most common human rights violations. They could have attempted to hold out, but understood the inevitable. Among the most disliked: Israel. Thankfully they were stopped on the Korean peninsula by allied Korean and Chinese forces. I keep asking..what were the Germans supposed to do in this situation? The same people who in 90ies destroyed the tomb where the bones of those mentioned in the letter were gathered, the bones which were taken out of the pits 40 years after they were thrown alive into those pits. Im joking of course- well half joking. Could the locals perhaps have borrowed from a local bank? From my viewpoint, irrational racism is the epitome of ignorance. Babylon Bee Last 3 Hit Vids: FBI Gets Great Night's Sleep After Was Hitler so naive? Yes, Jesus loves me And Poland is only one country. No, there is still not anti-German (people) sentiments in Serbia. I do net recognise you. The problem is that the US, Israel and their allies { Nato } with Nukes, protect the Zionist Cabal who threaten the world. For their ww2 atrocities is responsible Germany, which was crucial in destroying Yugoslavia in 90ies and which first recognized them (and thank them for Magdeburg) as an independent state, which included enormous Serbian territories and people, previously taken from Serbs by communists and who awarded them to Croats. Less than an hour later, the body of her 22-year-old son lay on the floor wrapped in a white plastic bag with the date of his death scrawled on top. This book, and numerous others, put to lie the assertions of German aggression towards the USSR. Witness the ongoing vilification of Reinhardt Heydrich, actually a hugely popular leader for whom many thousands grieved and turned out for his funeral after he was assassinated by agents of the Jewish UK. God can surely take care of his business. The massacres of Serbs reached such proportions that many water sources were polluted in those regions. Try it out. Over the centuries, the mass of Egyptians have become quite submissive, interspersed by occasional mass riots. Join LiveJournal For example, Konrad Adenauer, the first Chancellor of West Germany, estimated that 6 million German expellees died. But there is no money to be made in that by the international bankers; hence the Ukrainian war now. Thus, we currently are at a most significant turning-point in human history, where not only the 2,100 Age of Pisces, as subverted when the Empire struck back against the Jesusites and the Gnostics; but also the termination of the Iron Age, the 6,000 devolutionary era of the reign of Kali, the Goddess of dissolution of old forms and the devolutionary process signaling an era where greed and ego have served a tiny minority which has dammed up the human desire for peace and abundance. Latest Breaking News, Headlines & Updates | National Post This is all I have to say to you unless you actually read the above. Both are kanji. And, who would be the rulers? Should I cry? What you really want to do is talk about yourself. What does that feel like? Seems okay to want to save your life when any real battle is over. You ask: Is the author trying to prove the expulsion was indeed Orderly and Humane compared to previous German practices?. The influence of Old Testament descriptions of genocide, its ways and means, and Divine injunctions to perform it, ought not be underestimated. It is Germans who are robbing and stealing from others. Get top headlines from the Union-Tribune in your inbox weekday mornings, including top news, local, sports, business, entertainment and opinion. Open Omans borders and force it to be multicultural. Probably stems from that compatibility factor I mentioned. The boy we rescued recovered quickly. I recommend James Bacques book Other Losses if you want more detailed information on this subject. Pierre-Joseph Proudhons (godfather of political anarchism) right of free association solves this issue beautifully and peacefully. Go back to arguing with Fufu and Slav if you find them to be a better match for you.. They need to discover their political leaders are Rothschild Zionist agents who are betraying them, and replace them. More seriously, if you dont wish to engage with me then stop addressing your comments to me. I think history has shown that this ends justify the means approach was incorrect. The numerous USSR casualties speak volumes as to the wasteful, careless, and inhuman treatment of the USSRs own citizens. Will Afghanistan Turn Out to be US Imperialisms Last Gleaming? Similar crimes Germans did to other nations. Maybe in the short term, say next 5 to 10 years this is true.
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